The ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..LineSmoothProps type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property EmptyPointValue
Determines how an empty point is treated when the chart is drawn. If a value of 'Average' is used then the chart is drawn as if a point exists that has an average Y value, the average being calculated using the adjacent points. If 'Zero' is used then the chart is drawn as if a point exists with a value of zero. Default: Average.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..LineProps.)
Public property LabelStyle
Gets or set the data point labels position. Default: Auto.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..LineProps.)
Public property LineTension
Gets or sets the tension for the drawn curve. A curve with zero tension will have the appearance of a line. Default: 0.5.
Public property Owner
Gets ChartSeriesCustomProperties owning this object.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..PropsBase.)
Public property PixelPointDepth
Gets or sets the 3D series depth, measured in pixels. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ThreeDPropsBase.)
Public property PixelPointGapDepth
Gets or sets the 3D series gap, measured in pixels. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ThreeDPropsBase.)
Public property ShowMarkerLines
Determines if marker lines are displayed. Default: False.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..LineProps.)

See Also