The ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..PieProps type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CollectedChartShowLabels
Displays point label for the collected pie (if slices have been collected). Default: False.
Public property CollectedChartShowLegend
Displays a legend for the collected pie (if slices have been collected). Default: False.
Public property CollectedColor
Gets or sets the color of the collected pie or doughnut slice. Default: Color.Empty.
Public property CollectedLabel
Gets or sets the label of the collected pie slice. Default: "Other".
Public property CollectedLegendText
Gets or sets the legend text of the collected pie slice. Default: "Other".
Public property CollectedSliceExploded
Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the collected pie slice will be shown as exploded. Default: False.
Public property CollectedStyle
Gets or sets the style of collected style. Default: None.
Public property CollectedThreshold
Gets or sets the threshold value for collecting small pie slices. Default: 5.
Public property CollectedThresholdUsePercent
Gets or sets value that indicates if collected slice threshold value (see CollectedThreshold) is set in percent. Default: True.
Public property CollectedToolTip
Gets or sets collected slice tooltip. Default: True.
Public property LabelsHorizontalLineSize
Gets or sets the horizontal callout line size. This attribute is only applied if labels are drawn outside of data points. Default: 1.
Public property LabelsRadialLineSize
Gets or sets the radial callout line size. This attribute is only applied if labels are drawn outside of data points. Default: 1.
Public property MinimumRelativePieSize
Gets or sets the minimum pie size. When used with outside labeling, this property controls the minimum acceptable pie size, measured as a percentage the chart area size. This will prevent the pie from becoming too small due to the labels dominating the chart area. Default: 30.
Public property Owner
Gets ChartSeriesCustomProperties owning this object.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..PropsBase.)
Public property PieDrawingStyle
Gets or sets the drawing style of the Pie and Doughnut charts. Default: Default.
Public property PieLabelStyle
Gets or sets the data point labels position. Default: Default.
Public property PieLineColor
Gets or sets the color of the radial and horizontal label lines. Default: Color.Empty(auto color).
Public property PieStartAngle
Determines the starting angle of the first pie slice, measured in degrees. Default: 0.
Public property ThreeDLabelLineSize
Gets or sets the 3D label line size as a percentage of the default size. Default: 100.

See Also