The ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..RangeBoxPlotProps type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property DrawSideBySide
Determines if data points that have the same X value are drawn side by side, or are drawn using the same X value. If Auto then the chart type automatically determines if this is true or false. Note that setting this attribute to true only has an effect if two or more series in a chart area have DrawSideBySide set to true. Default: Auto.
Public property MaxPixelPointWidth
Gets or sets the maximum width (in pixels) of data points. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..RangePropsBase.)
Public property MinPixelPointWidth
Gets or sets the minimum width (in pixels) of data points. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..RangePropsBase.)
Public property Owner
Gets ChartSeriesCustomProperties owning this object.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..PropsBase.)
Public property Percentile
Gets or sets the percentile value of the box of the Box chart. Default: 25.
Public property PixelPointWidth
Gets or sets the width (in pixels) of data points. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..RangePropsBase.)
Public property PointWidth
Gets or sets the relative width of data points. Default: 0.8.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..RangePropsBase.)
Public property Series
Gets or sets the name of the series to be used as the data source for the Box chart.
Public property ShowAverage
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the average value for the Box chart. Default: true.
Public property ShowMedian
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the median value for the Box chart. Default: true.
Public property ShowUnusualValues
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the unusual values value for the Box chart will be shown. Default: true.
Public property WhiskerPercentile
Gets or sets the percentile value of the whiskers of the Box chart. Applied for: Range:Box. Default: true.

See Also