The ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..RangeErrorBarProps type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CenterMarkerStyle
Gets or sets the appearance type of the marker shown at the center value of the Error Bar chart. Default: Line.
Public property DrawSideBySide
Determines if data points that have the same X value are drawn side by side, or are drawn using the same X value. If Auto then the chart type automatically determines if this is true or false. Note that setting this attribute to true only has an effect if two or more series in a chart area have DrawSideBySide set to true. Default: Auto.
Public property MaxPixelPointWidth
Gets or sets the maximum width (in pixels) of data points. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..RangePropsBase.)
Public property MinPixelPointWidth
Gets or sets the minimum width (in pixels) of data points. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..RangePropsBase.)
Public property Owner
Gets ChartSeriesCustomProperties owning this object.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..PropsBase.)
Public property PixelPointWidth
Gets or sets the width (in pixels) of data points. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..RangePropsBase.)
Public property PointWidth
Gets or sets the relative width of data points. Default: 0.8.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..RangePropsBase.)
Public property Series
Gets or sets the name of the series that will be used for error bar calculations. The named series must exist.
Public property Style
Gets or sets the visibility of the Upper and Lower Error values of an Error Bar chart. Default: Both.
Public property Type
Defines how the upper and lower errors are calculated for the center values of the error bar series. Default: StandardError.

See Also