The ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ScatterBubbleProps type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property EmptyPointValue
Determines how an empty point is treated when the chart is drawn. If a value of 'Average' is used then the chart is drawn as if a point exists that has an average Y value, the average being calculated using the adjacent points. If 'Zero' is used then the chart is drawn as if a point exists with a value of zero. Default: Average.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ScatterProps.)
Public property LabelStyle
Gets or set the data point labels position. Default: Auto.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ScatterProps.)
Public property MaxSize
Gets or sets the maximum size of the bubble radius as a percentage of the chart area size. Default: 15.
Public property MinSize
Gets or sets the minimum size of the bubble radius as a percentage of the chart area size. Default: 3.
Public property Owner
Gets ChartSeriesCustomProperties owning this object.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..PropsBase.)
Public property PixelPointDepth
Gets or sets the 3D series depth, measured in pixels. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ThreeDPropsBase.)
Public property PixelPointGapDepth
Gets or sets the 3D series gap, measured in pixels. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ThreeDPropsBase.)
Public property ScaleMax
Gets or sets the bubble size that will be used as the maximum, which is a percentage of the chart area that is set by MaxSize. Default: 15.
Public property ScaleMin
Gets or sets the bubble size that will be used as the minimum, which is a percentage of the chart area that is set by MinSize. Default: 3.
Public property UseSizeForLabel
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use the bubble size as the data point label. Default: false.

See Also