The ChartTickMarks type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Enabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether tick marks should be shown.

Default: Auto, which means true for major tick marks and false for minor tick marks.

Public property Interval
Gets or sets the interval between tick marks.

Default (0) uses Interval.

Public property IntervalOffset
Gets or sets the offset for the first tick mark from the axis min.

Default (0) uses IntervalOffset.

Public property IntervalOffsetType
Gets or sets the units for the IntervalOffset.

Default: Default, which in this case means IntervalOffsetType.

Public property IntervalType
Gets or sets the units for the Interval.

Default: Default, which in this case means IntervalType.

Public property Length
Gets or sets the length of the tick mark as a percentage of the chart size.

Default: 1.

Public property Style
Gets the Style object defining the line style for tick marks.
Public property Type
Gets or sets the type of the tick mark.

See Also