The DataSet type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AccentSensitivity
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data is accent sensitive.
  • AutoDefault. The accent sensitivity setting should be autoderived by querying the data provider. Defaults to False if the data provider does not support that method.
  • TrueData in this data set is accent sensitive.
  • FalseData in this data set is accent insensitive.
Public property CaseSensitivity
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data is case sensitive.
  • AutoDefault. The case sensitivity setting should be autoderived by querying the data provider. Defaults to False if the data provider does not support that method.
  • TrueData in this data set is case sensitive.
  • FalseData in this data set is case insensitive.
Public property Collation
Gets or sets the locale to use for the collation sequence for sorting data. Uses the standard Microsoft SQL Server collation names. If no Collation is specified, the collation setting should be autoderived by querying the data provider. Defaults to the collation corresponding to the report’s Language property if the data provider does not support that method or returns an unsupported or invalid value.
Public property Fields
Gets the Fields collection containing fields of the data set.
Public property Filters
Gets the Filters collection containing filters to apply to each row of data in the data set.
Public property KanatypeSensitivity
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data is kanatype sensitive.
  • Auto
  • TrueData in this data set is kanatype sensitive.
  • FalseData in this data set is kanatype insensitive.
Public property Name
Gets or sets the unique name of the current object. If an item with the specified name already exists in the collection, an exception is thrown.
(Inherited from NamedCollectionItem.)
Public property Owner
Gets DataSets collection owning this object.
Public property Query
Gets the Query object containing information about the data source, including connection information, query, and so on, required to get the data from the data source.
Public property Report
Gets C1RdlReport object containing this object.
Public property WidthSensitivity
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data is width sensitive.
  • AutoDefault. The width sensitivity setting should be autoderived by querying the data provider. Defaults to False if the data provider does not support that method.
  • TrueData in this data set is width sensitive.
  • FalseData in this data set is width insensitive.

See Also