The Page type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property BottomMargin
Gets or sets the width of the left margin. Default: 0 in.
Public property Columns
Gets or sets the default number of columns for rendering the report. Default: 1. Min: 1. Max: 1000
Public property ColumnSpacing
Gets or sets the spacing between each column in multi-column renderings. Default: 0.5 in.
Public property InteractiveHeight
Gets or sets the default height for rendering the report when in an interactive renderer. There is no maximum size. A value of 0 (with any unit) indicates height should be unlimited. Defaults to PageHeight.
Public property InteractiveWidth
Gets or sets the default width for rendering the report when in an interactive renderer. There is no maximum size. A value of 0 (with any unit) indicates width should be unlimited. Defaults to PageWidth.
Public property LeftMargin
Gets or sets the width of the left margin. Default: 0 in.
Public property Owner
Gets the C1RdlReport object containing this object.
Public property PageFooter
Gets the PageFooter object that is rendered at the bottom of each page of the report.
Public property PageHeader
Gets the PageHeader object that is rendered at the top of each page of the report.
Public property PageHeight
Gets or sets the default height for rendering the report in a physical-page oriented renderer. Default: 11 in. Must be greater than 0 in.
Public property PageWidth
Gets or sets the default width for rendering the report in a physical-page oriented renderer. Default: 8.5 in. Must be greater than 0 in.
Public property RightMargin
Gets or sets the width of the left margin. Default: 0 in.
Public property Style
Gets the Style object defining style information for the current ReportElement.
(Inherited from ReportElement.)
Public property TopMargin
Gets or sets the width of the left margin. Default: 0 in.

See Also