The Paragraph type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property HangingIndent
Gets or sets the first line indent or hanging line indent for the paragraph, relative to left indent. This property can be negative. If positive, indents just the first line (first line indent). If negative, indents all lines but the first (hanging indent).

Default: 0tw.

Public property LeftIndent
Gets or sets the indentation from the left edge of the Textbox, less left padding.

Default: 0tw.

Public property ListLevel
Gets or sets the numbering style and/or indentation level. Must be equal or greater than 0 and less or equal than 9. For paragraphs with ListStyle None, this property serves to indent the paragraph. When ListStyle is Bulleted or Numbered, it serves as indentation level and bullet/number style.

Default: 0.

Public property ListStyle
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this paragraph is part of a list, and identifies the numbering type.
Public property RightIndent
Gets or sets the indentation from the right edge of the Textbox, less right padding.

Default: 0tw.

Public property SpaceAfter
Gets or sets the spacing after the paragraph. Cannot be negative.

Default: 0tw.

Public property SpaceBefore
Gets or sets the spacing before the paragraph. Cannot be negative.

Default: 0tw.

Public property Style
Gets the Style object that defines style properties for the paragraph.
Public property Textbox
Gets the Textbox object containing this object.
Public property TextRuns
Gets the TextRuns collection.

See Also