The TextRun type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ActionInfo
Gets ActionInfo object defining the actions for this TextRun. Actions on TextRuns are ignored if an action is defined on the parent Textbox (even if the Textbox action resolves to NULL).
Public property Label
Gets or sets the label for the placeholder for this TextRun. This name appears as the display placeholder in designer tools UI.
Public property MarkupType
Gets or sets a value indicating how markup in text should be processed.
Public property Owner
Gets the TextRuns collection containing this object.
Public property Paragraph
Gets the Paragraph object containing this object.
Public property Style
Gets the Style object defining style properties for this TextRun.
Public property Textbox
Gets the Textbox object containing this object.
Public property ToolTip
Gets or sets a textual tooltip label for the TextRun.
Public property Value
Gets or sets the constant or expression which is displayed at runtime for the TextRun.

See Also