The Textbox type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ActionInfo
Gets the ActionInfo object containing actions (such as hyperlinks) associated with the current object.
(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property Bookmark
Gets or sets a bookmark that can be linked to via a BookmarkLink action.
(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property Bottom
Gets the bottom coordinate of the current object.
(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property CanGrow
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the textbox height can increase to accommodate the contents.
Public property CanShrink
Gets or sets value indicating whether the textbox height can decrease to match the contents.
Public property CustomProperties
Gets CustomProperties collection containing custom information about the current report item.
(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property DataElementName
Gets or sets the name to use for the data element/attribute for this report item. Default: Name of the report item. Must be a CLS-compliant identifier.
(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property DataElementOutput
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current item should appear in a data rendering.
(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property DataElementStyle
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all TextRun values for the current textbox value should render as an element or attribute.
Public property DocumentMapLabel
Gets or sets a label to identify an instance of the current report item within the client UI (to provide a user-friendly label for searching). Hierarchical listing of report item and group labels within the UI (the Document Map) should reflect the object containment hierarchy in the report definition. Peer items should be listed in left-to-right top-to-bottom order. If the expression returns null, no item is added to the Document Map. Not used for report items in the page header or footer.
(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property Height
Gets or sets the width of the current item. Negative sizes are allowed only for lines (the height/width gives the offset of the endpoint of the line from the start point).

Default is null which means the height of the containing object minus Top.

(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property HideDuplicates
Gets or sets a value controlling whether the text should not be displayed when the value of the expression associated with the report item is the same as the preceding visible instance.

The value of this property is the name of a containing group (other than the current group) or data set over which to apply the hiding. Each time a new instance of that group is encountered, the first visible instance of this report item will not be hidden. Rows on a previous page are ignored for the purposes of hiding duplicates.

If the current textbox is in a Tablix cell, only the text will be omitted. The text box will remain to provide background and border for the cell. Outside of a tablix cell, the background and borders are omitted as well. Ignored unless the text box contains only one TextRun.
Public property KeepTogether
Gets or sets a value indicating that all of the contents of the current textbox should be kept together on one page if possible.
Public property Left
Gets or sets the distance of the current item from the left of the containing object.

The default is 0.

(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property Name
Gets or sets the name of the current report item. That name should not be empty and must be unique within the report.
(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property Paragraphs
Gets the Paragraphs collection that represents the content of the current textbox.
Public property RepeatWith
Gets or sets the name of a data region that this report item should be repeated with if that data region spans multiple pages. The data region must be in the same ReportItems collection as this ReportItem (Since data regions are not allowed in page headers/footers, this means RepeatWith will be unusable in page headers/footers). Not allowed if this report item is a data region, subreport or rectangle that contains a data region or subreport.
(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property Report
Gets the C1RdlReport containing the current object.
(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property Right
Gets the right coordinate of the current object.
(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property Style
Gets the Style object defining style information for the current ReportElement.
(Inherited from ReportElement.)
Public property ToggleImage
Gets the ToggleImage object containing the initial state of a toggling image should one be displayed as a part of the current textbox.
Public property ToolTip
Gets or sets a textual label for the current report item.
(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property Top
Gets or sets the distance of the current item from the top of the containing object.

The default is 0.

(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property UserSort
Gets the UserSort object containing properties of the end-user sort control which should be displayed as a part of this text box in the UI.
Public property Visibility
Gets the Visibility object indicating if the current item should be hidden.
(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property Width
Gets or sets the height of the current item. Negative sizes are allowed only for lines (the height/width gives the offset of the endpoint of the line from the start point).

Default is null which means the width of the containing object minus Left.

(Inherited from ReportItem.)
Public property ZIndex
Gets or sets the drawing order of the current report item within containing object. Items with lower indices are drawn first (appearing behind items with higher indices). Items with equal indices have unspecified rendering order.

Default: 0 Min: 0 Max: 2147483647

(Inherited from ReportItem.)

See Also