The Layout type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ColumnLayout
Gets or sets the layout for the columns (down or across).
Public property Columns
Gets or sets the number of detail columns.
Public property CustomHeight
Gets or sets the custom height for the report, in twips.
Public property CustomWidth
Gets or sets the custom width for the report, in twips.
Public property LabelSpacingX
Used by the designer to discount horizontal label spacing in the design surface.
Public property LabelSpacingY
Used by the designer to discount vertical label spacing in the design surface.
Public property MarginBottom
Gets or sets the bottom margin for each page, in twips.
Public property MarginLeft
Gets or sets the left margin for each page, in twips.
Public property MarginRight
Gets or sets the right margin for each page, in twips.
Public property MarginTop
Gets or sets the top margin for each page, in twips.
Public property Orientation
Gets or sets the page orientation.
Public property OverlayReplacements
Gets a dictionary (IDictionary) with replacements to be made in the report body.
Public property PageFooter
Gets or sets a value that determines on which pages the Page Footer section should be displayed.
Public property PageHeader
Gets or sets a value that determines on which pages the Page Header section should be displayed.
Public property PaperSize
Gets or sets the paper size for the report.
Public property ParentReport
Gets the C1Report that contains this Layout object.
Public property Picture
Gets or sets a background picture for the report body.
Public property PictureAlign
Gets or sets how the background picture is aligned.
Public property PictureScale
Gets or sets how the background picture is aligned.
Public property PictureShow
Gets or sets where the background picture is displayed.
Public property Width
Gets or sets the width of the report's detail section, in twips.

See Also