Flags specifying how a table header is repeated in a RenderTable. This is the type of Header.

Namespace:  C1.C1Preview
Assembly:  C1.C1Report.2 (in C1.C1Report.2.dll)


public enum TableHeaderEnum
Visual Basic
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration TableHeaderEnum


Member nameDescription
None The header is printed once at the top of the table.
Page The header is repeated at the top of each page. If there are multiple columns per page, the header is repeated only at the top of the first column on the page.
Column The header is repeated only if there are multiple columns per page, at the top of each column except the first on the page. If there is only one column, the header is not printed at all.
All The header is repeated at the top of all pages. If there are multiple columns per page, the header is repeated at the top of each column.

See Also