Installation and Setup
By default, the C1ReportsScheduler application and service (C1ReportsScheduler.exe and C1ReportsSchedulerService.exe) will be installed in the C:\Program Files\ComponentOne\Studio for WPF\C1WPFReport directory in the Scheduler or Scheduler.4 folder. To install and setup the application and service, complete the following steps:
1. Navigate to the installation directory and double-click the C1ReportsScheduler.exe application to open it.
When the C1ReportsScheduler.exe application is run for the first time, a dialog box will appear asking whether you would like to install the C1ReportsScheduler service.
2. Click Yes to install the service (recommended).
A form should appear which will allow you to set up the service parameters such as the WCF address used by the frontend to communicate with the service, the path of the service configuration file (.c1rsconf), service startup type (manual or automatic), and log options.
3. Adjust the parameters if necessary (defaults should normally work), and click OK to install the service.
The progress window should appear, and when it closes the frontend should be running in client mode. This is indicated by the words "client mode" in the form's caption, and "[ Client ]" in the status line (which should also contain an icon showing a gear with a green checkmark).
If you clicked No when asked whether to install the service, the frontend will start in standalone mode, as indicated in the form's caption and status line. You can still add tasks, specify their actions and schedules and start them. The only difference is that in standalone mode you will need to keep the frontend running for the tasks to run on schedules.
Note that when in standalone mode, you can install the service at any time and transfer your task list to it. To install the service, open the frontend application, and select Install Service from the Service menu. To uninstall the service, select Uninstall Service from the Service menu.