ComponentOne ReportViewer for ASP.NET AJAX: ReportViewer for ASP.NET AJAX Task-Based Help > Sharing Documents Between Client Sessions

Sharing Documents Between Client Sessions

The C1ReportViewer control can share generated documents between different client sessions. So, for example, multiple clients can view the same generated report rather than generating a copy for each client. The ShareBetweenSessions property is used to control that. By default this property is set to True. In that case, a report that has the same FileName/ReportName pair will be reused if requested by another client session once it has been generated on request of a single client session. If this property is set to False, each session will generate its own reports.

For example, add the following code to the Page_Load event to set the ShareBetweenSessions property to False:

      Visual Basic

Me.C1ReportViewer1.Cache.ShareBetweenSessions = False


this.C1ReportViewer1.Cache.ShareBetweenSessions = false;

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