C1.Silverlight.Schedule Namespace : C1Scheduler Class |
For a list of all members of this type, see C1Scheduler members.
Name | Description | |
ActiveRemindersProperty | Identifies the ActiveReminders dependency property. | |
AllDayAreaHeightProperty | Identifies the AllDayAreaHeight dependency property. | |
AlternatingBackgroundProperty | Identifies the AlternatingBackground dependency property. | |
AppointmentForegroundProperty | Identifies the AppointmentForeground dependency property. | |
BoldedDatesProperty | Identifies the BoldedDates dependency property. | |
CalendarHelperProperty | Identifies the CalendarHelper dependency property. | |
CanNavigateNextGroupProperty | Identifies the CanNavigateNextGroup property. | |
CanNavigatePreviousGroupProperty | Identifies the CanNavigatePreviousGroup property. | |
ChangeStyleCommand | Defines the command that changes the System.Windows.Style property with the specified Style or a style referenced by the specified ResourceDictionary key. | |
ControlBackgroundProperty | Identifies the ControlBackground dependency property. | |
ControlForegroundProperty | Identifies the ControlForeground dependency property. | |
CurrentTimeBrushProperty | Identifies the CurrentTimeBrush dependency property. | |
DayViewDayHeaderFormatProperty | Identifies the DayViewDayHeaderFormat dependency property. | |
DecrementStartTimeLargeCommand | Defines the command that decrements the VisualStartTime property value on the amount specified in the LargeStartTimeChange property. | |
DecrementStartTimeSmallCommand | Defines the command that decrements the VisualStartTime property value on the amount specified in the SmallStartTimeChange property. | |
DeleteAppointmentCommand | Defines the command that deletes the C1.C1Schedule.Appointment(s). | |
DismissCommand | Defines the command that dismisses reminders. | |
EditAppointmentDialogCommand | Defines the command that shows the Edit Appointment dialog for editing of the specified existing C1.C1Schedule.Appointment(s). | |
EditAppointmentTemplateProperty | Identifies the EditAppointmentTemplate dependency property. | |
EditRecurrenceDialogCommand | Defines the command that shows the Edit Recurrence dialog for editing a C1.C1Schedule.RecurrencePattern of the specified C1.C1Schedule.Appointment. | |
EditRecurrenceTemplateProperty | Identifies the EditRecurrenceTemplate dependency property. | |
EmptyGroupNameProperty | Identifies the EmptyGroupName property. | |
EndProperty | Identifies the End dependency property. | |
ExportCommand | Defines the command that exports Scheduler data to the file. | |
GroupHeaderTemplateProperty | Identifies the GroupHeaderTemplate dependency property. | |
GroupPageSizeProperty | Identifies the GroupPageSize dependency property. | |
HasVisibleAppointmentsProperty | Identifies the HasVisibleAppointments dependency property. | |
HideGroupCommand | Defines the command that hides the specified SchedulerGroupItem object. | |
ImportCommand | Defines the command that imports Scheduler data from the file. | |
IncrementStartTimeLargeCommand | Defines the command that increments the VisualStartTime property value on the amount specified in the LargeStartTimeChange property. | |
IncrementStartTimeSmallCommand | Defines the command that increments the VisualStartTime property value on the amount specified in the SmallStartTimeChange property. | |
IntervalAppointmentTemplateProperty | Identifies the IntervalAppointmentTemplate dependency property. | |
IsDragDropDisabledProperty | Identifies the IsDragDropDisabled dependency property. | |
IsGroupedProperty | Identifies the IsGrouped property. | |
IsInPlaceEditingDisabledProperty | Identifies the IsInPlaceEditingDisabled dependency property. | |
IsTotalGroupItemEnabledProperty | Identifies the IsTotalGroupItemEnabled property. | |
LargeStartTimeChangeProperty | Identifies the LargeStartTimeChange dependency property. | |
MonthStyleProperty | Identifies the MonthStyle dependency property. | |
MonthViewDayHeaderDayFormatProperty | Identifies the MonthViewDayHeaderDayFormat dependency property. | |
MonthViewDayHeaderMonthFormatProperty | Identifies the MonthViewDayHeaderMonthFormat dependency property. | |
MonthViewHeaderFormatProperty | Identifies the MonthViewHeaderFormat dependency property. | |
NavigateToNextAppointmentCommand | Defines the command that makes the nearest appointment after SelectedDateTime visible in the control UI. | |
NavigateToNextGroupCommand | Defines the command that navigates C1Scheduler UI to the next SchedulerGroupItem object. | |
NavigateToPreviousAppointmentCommand | Defines the command that makes the nearest appointment before SelectedDateTime visible in the control UI. | |
NavigateToPreviousGroupCommand | Defines the command that navigates C1Scheduler UI to the previous SchedulerGroupItem object. | |
NewAppointmentDialogCommand | Defines the command that shows the Edit Appointment dialog for a creation of a new C1.C1Schedule.Appointment. | |
NextAppointmentTextProperty | Identifies the NextAppointmentText property. | |
OneDayStyleProperty | Identifies the OneDayStyle dependency property. | |
PreviousAppointmentTextProperty | Identifies the PreviousAppointmentText property. | |
SelectedAppointmentProperty | Identifies the SelectedAppointment dependency property. | |
SelectedBackgroundProperty | Identifies the SelectedBackground dependency property. | |
SelectedDateTimeIntervalProperty | Identifies the SelectedDateTimeInterval dependency property. | |
SelectedDateTimeProperty | Identifies the SelectedDateTime dependency property. | |
SelectedGroupItemProperty | Identifies the SelectedGroupItem dependency property. | |
SelectedIntervalAppointmentProperty | Identifies the SelectedIntervalAppointment dependency property. | |
SelectedVisualIntervalProperty | Identifies the SelectedVisualInterval dependency property. | |
SelectFromListDialogCommand | Defines the command that shows the Select From List dialog for specified parameters. | |
SelectFromListTemplateProperty | Identifies the SelectFromListTemplate dependency property. | |
SetRelativeStartTimeCommand | Defines the command that sets the VisualStartTime property to a value between the Start and End property values based on the specified coefficient. | |
SettingsProperty | Identifies the C1SchedulerSettings dependency property. | |
ShowRemindersTemplateProperty | Identifies the ShowRemindersTemplate dependency property. | |
ShowWorkTimeOnlyProperty | Identifies the ShowWorkTimeOnly dependency property. | |
SmallStartTimeChangeProperty | Identifies the SmallStartTimeChange dependency property. | |
SnoozeCommand | Defines the command that snoozes reminders. | |
StartProperty | Identifies the Start dependency property. | |
ThemeProperty | Identifies the Theme dependency property. | |
TimeFormatProperty | Identifies the TimeFormat dependency property. | |
TimeLineStyleProperty | Identifies the TimeLineStyle dependency property. | |
TodayBackgroundProperty | Identifies the TodayBackground dependency property. | |
ViewStyleSelectorProperty | Identifies the C1.Silverlight.C1StyleSelector dependency property. | |
ViewTypeProperty | Identifies the ViewType dependency property. | |
VisibleDatesProperty | Identifies the VisibleDates dependency property. | |
VisualEndTimeProperty | Identifies the VisualEndTimeProperty dependency property. | |
VisualIntervalGroupDescriptionsProperty | Identifies the VisualIntervalGroupDescriptions dependency property. | |
VisualIntervalGroupStylesProperty | Identifies the VisualIntervalGroupStyles dependency property. | |
VisualIntervalPanelProperty | Identifies the VisualIntervalPanel dependency property. | |
VisualIntervalScaleProperty | Identifies the VisualIntervalScale dependency property. | |
VisualIntervalTemplateProperty | Identifies the VisualIntervalTemplate dependency property. | |
VisualStartTimeProperty | Identifies the VisualStartTime dependency property. | |
VisualTimeSpanProperty | Identifies the VisualTimeSpan dependency property. | |
WeekStyleProperty | Identifies the WeekStyle dependency property. | |
WeekViewDayHeaderFormatProperty | Identifies the WeekViewDayHeaderFormat dependency property. | |
WorkingWeekStyleProperty | Identifies the WorkingWeekStyle dependency property. |