Scheduler for WPF Tutorials > Creating a Custom Grouping View > Step 2 of 4: Adding Code to the Application |
In this step you will add code to the application to handle adding contacts and to control returning the VisualIntervalCollection for a specified day.
Visual Basic |
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Imports C1.C1Schedule Imports C1.WPF.Schedule Imports C1.WPF Imports System.Collections |
C# |
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using C1.C1Schedule; using C1.WPF.Schedule; using C1.WPF; using System.Collections; |
Visual Basic |
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' add some contacts Dim cnt As New Contact() cnt.Text = "Andy Garcia" c1Scheduler1.DataStorage.ContactStorage.Contacts.Add(cnt) cnt = New Contact() cnt.Text = "Nancy Drew" c1Scheduler1.DataStorage.ContactStorage.Contacts.Add(cnt) cnt = New Contact() cnt.Text = "Robert Clark" c1Scheduler1.DataStorage.ContactStorage.Contacts.Add(cnt) cnt = New Contact() cnt.Text = "James Doe" c1Scheduler1.DataStorage.ContactStorage.Contacts.Add(cnt) c1Scheduler1.GroupBy = "Contact" |
C# |
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// add some contacts Contact cnt = new Contact(); cnt.Text = "Andy Garcia"; c1Scheduler1.DataStorage.ContactStorage.Contacts.Add(cnt); cnt = new Contact(); cnt.Text = "Nancy Drew"; c1Scheduler1.DataStorage.ContactStorage.Contacts.Add(cnt); cnt = new Contact(); cnt.Text = "Robert Clark"; c1Scheduler1.DataStorage.ContactStorage.Contacts.Add(cnt); cnt = new Contact(); cnt.Text = "James Doe"; c1Scheduler1.DataStorage.ContactStorage.Contacts.Add(cnt); c1Scheduler1.GroupBy = "Contact"; |
Visual Basic |
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''' <summary> ''' Returns VisualIntervalCollection for the specified day and specified SchedulerGroup which can be used ''' as an ItemsSource for VisualIntervalsPresenter control. ''' </summary> ''' <remarks> ''' If converter parameter is "Self", return list of a single VisualIntervalGroup, to use it as ItemsSource for representing all-day area. ''' In all other cases returns VisualItervalCollection containing time slots for the single day. ''' </remarks> Public Class GroupItemToVisualIntervalsConverter Implements IValueConverter Public Shared [Default] As New GroupItemToVisualIntervalsConverter() #Region "IValueConverter Members" Public Function Convert(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements IValueConverter.Convert Dim el As FrameworkElement = TryCast(value, FrameworkElement) If el IsNot Nothing Then Dim group As SchedulerGroupItem = TryCast(el.DataContext, SchedulerGroupItem) Dim index As Integer = -1 If group IsNot Nothing Then Dim itm As ItemsControl = TryCast(VTreeHelper.GetParentOfType(el, GetType(ItemsControl)), ItemsControl) If itm IsNot Nothing Then Dim data As Object = itm.DataContext Dim itmParent As ItemsControl = TryCast(VTreeHelper.GetParentOfType(itm, GetType(ItemsControl)), ItemsControl) If itmParent IsNot Nothing Then index = itmParent.Items.IndexOf(data) Dim visualIntervalGroup As VisualIntervalGroup = TryCast(group.VisualIntervalGroups(index), VisualIntervalGroup) Dim param As String = CStr(parameter) If param.ToLower() = "self" Then ' create list of a single VisualIntervalGroup ' (we need list to use it as ItemsSource) Dim list As New List(Of Object)() list.Add(visualIntervalGroup) Return list Else Return visualIntervalGroup.VisualIntervals End If End If End If End If End If Return Nothing End Function Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetType As Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements IValueConverter.ConvertBack Throw New NotImplementedException() End Function #End Region End Class End Namespace |
C# |
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/// <summary> /// Returns VisualIntervalCollection for the specified day and specified SchedulerGroup which can be used /// as an ItemsSource for VisualIntervalsPresenter control. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// If converter parameter is "Self", return list of a single VisualIntervalGroup, to use it as ItemsSource for representing all-day area. /// In all other cases returns VisualItervalCollection containing time slots for the single day. /// </remarks> public class GroupItemToVisualIntervalsConverter : IValueConverter { public static GroupItemToVisualIntervalsConverter Default = new GroupItemToVisualIntervalsConverter(); #region IValueConverter Members public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { FrameworkElement el = value as FrameworkElement; if (el != null) { SchedulerGroupItem group = el.DataContext as SchedulerGroupItem; int index = -1; if (group != null) { ItemsControl itm = VTreeHelper.GetParentOfType(el, typeof(ItemsControl)) as ItemsControl; if (itm != null) { object data = itm.DataContext; ItemsControl itmParent = VTreeHelper.GetParentOfType(itm, typeof(ItemsControl)) as ItemsControl; if (itmParent != null) { index = itmParent.Items.IndexOf(data); VisualIntervalGroup visualIntervalGroup = group.VisualIntervalGroups[index] as VisualIntervalGroup; string param = (string)parameter; if (param.ToLower() == "self") { // create list of a single VisualIntervalGroup // (we need list to use it as ItemsSource) List<object> list = new List<object>(); list.Add(visualIntervalGroup); return list; } else { return visualIntervalGroup.VisualIntervals; } } } } } return null; } public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } #endregion } } |
In this step you added code to create contacts and to return VisualIntervalCollections for the specified day. In the next step you will create your Resource Dictionary.