The AppointmentsCoverPane type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AppointmentsCoverPane
Creates a new instance of the AppointmentsCoverPane pane.


  Name Description
Public method ApplyTemplate (Inherited from Control.)
Public method Arrange
Positions child elements and determines a size for a UIElement. Parent elements call this method from their ArrangeCore(Rect) implementation (or a WPF framework-level equivalent) to form a recursive layout update. This method constitutes the second pass of a layout update.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Protected method ArrangeOverride
When overridden in a derived class, positions child elements and determines a size for a FrameworkElement derived class.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public method CaptureMouse
Attempts to force capture of the mouse to this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public method CheckAccess (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method ClearValue
Clears the local value of a property. The property to be cleared is specified by a DependencyProperty identifier.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method FindName
Finds an element that has the provided identifier name.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public method Focus (Inherited from Control.)
Public method GetAnimationBaseValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method Static member GetAppointmentFilter
Gets the value of the AppointmentFilter attached property for a given framework element.
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member GetKeepTimesAtDrop
Gets the value of the KeepTimesAtDrop attached property for a given framework element.
Protected method GetLaneSize
Returns the size which should be used to draw cover element according to specified sizing type, available space and total lane count.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Protected method GetTemplateChild (Inherited from Control.)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetValue
Returns the current effective value of a dependency property on this instance of a DependencyObject.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method InvalidateArrange
Invalidates the arrange state (layout) for the element. After the invalidation, the element will have its layout updated, which will occur asynchronously unless subsequently forced by UpdateLayout()()()().
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public method InvalidateMeasure
Invalidates the measurement state (layout) for the element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Protected method IsPaneElementInternal
Checks whether specified element is covered by the current CoverElementsPane instance.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Public method Measure
Updates the DesiredSize of a UIElement. Parent elements call this method from their own MeasureCore(Size) implementations to form a recursive layout update. Calling this method constitutes the first pass (the "Measure" pass) of a layout update.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Protected method MeasureOverride
When overridden in a derived class, measures the size in layout required for child elements and determines a size for the FrameworkElement-derived class.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method OnApplyTemplate
Overrides the default behavior.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Protected method OnCreateAutomationPeer
Returns class-specific AutomationPeer implementations for the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) infrastructure.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Protected method OnGotFocus (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnKeyDown (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnKeyUp (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnLostFocus (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnMouseEnter (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnMouseLeave (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnMouseLeftButtonDown (Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Protected method OnMouseLeftButtonUp
Overrides the default behavior.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Protected method OnMouseMove
Overrides the default behavior.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Public method ReadLocalValue
Returns the local value of a dependency property, if it exists.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method ReleaseMouseCapture
Releases the mouse capture, if this element held the capture.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public method Static member SetAppointmentFilter
Sets the value of the AppointmentFilter attached property for a given framework element.
Public method SetBinding (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public method Static member SetKeepTimesAtDrop
Sets the value of the KeepTimesAtDrop attached property for a given framework element.
Public method SetValue
Sets the local value of a dependency property, specified by its dependency property identifier.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public method ToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method TransformToVisual (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public method UpdateLayout
Ensures that all visual child elements of this element are properly updated for layout.
(Inherited from UIElement.)


  Name Description
Protected field _hostElementsList
Keeps the list of child FrameworkElements covered by the ICoverElementsPane which have CoverElementsPane.Orientation property set.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Protected field _isAboutToUnload
Determines whether the pane is about to be unloaded.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Protected field _lastStart
Might be used in derived classes during HostElementsList collection.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Protected field _needSort
Determines whether HostElementsList should be sorted after it is filled.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Public field Static member AppointmentFilterProperty
The AppointmentFilter attached property can be used to specify which type of appointments should be drawn by the AppointmentsCoverPane pane.
Public field Static member IntervalAppointmentTemplateProperty
Identifies the IntervalAppointmentTemplate dependency property.
Public field Static member KeepTimesAtDropProperty
The KeepTimesAtDrop attached property determines the behavior of moved (dragged) appointments. If this value is True, after dragging an appointment to the desired VisualInterval, the Appointment start date is changed to the VisualInterval start date. If this value is False, the Appointment.Start becomes equal to the VisualInterval.StartTime, and Appointment.Duration becomes equal to the VisualInterval.TimeScale. The default value is False.


  Name Description
Public property ActualHeight
Gets the rendered height of this element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property ActualWidth
Gets the rendered width of this element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property Background
Gets or sets a brush that describes the background of a control. This is a  dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property BorderBrush
Gets or sets a brush that describes the border background of a control. This is a  dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property BorderThickness
Gets or sets the border thickness of a control. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property ChunkBreakingAngle
Gets or sets a Double value specifying the breaking angle for painted UI elements.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Public property Clip
Gets or sets the geometry used to define the outline of the contents of an element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public property ContentKind
Gets the type of content acceptable by the current instance of AppointmentsCoverPane.
(Overrides CoverElementsPane..::..ContentKind.)
Public property CoverElementsHeight Obsolete.
Gets or sets a Double value, determining height of the cover elements. This property makes sense for horizontal orientation only. The default value is 19.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Public property CoverElementsMargin
Gets or sets a Double value, determining margins of the cover elements.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Public property CoverElementsSize
Gets or sets a Double value, determining the size of the cover elements. This is dependency property. The default value is 19.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Public property Cursor
Gets or sets the cursor that displays when the mouse pointer is over this element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property DataContext
Gets or sets the data context for an element when it participates in data binding. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property DataCoverElements
Gets a list of CoverElement objects that are drawn on this CoverElementPane.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Protected property DefaultStyleKey (Inherited from Control.)
Public property DesiredSize
Gets the size that this element computed during the measure pass of the layout process.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public property Dispatcher (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public property ExtendOnOverflow
Gets or sets a Boolean value, specifying the CoverElementsPane behavior in the case when covering elements do not fit into the available space. If False, the CoverElementsOverflowProperty will be set to True. This is default behavior. If True, the covered element will be extended in order to accommodate all covering elements.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Public property FontFamily
Gets or sets the font family of the control. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property FontSize
Gets or sets the font size. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property FontStretch
Gets or sets the degree to which a font is condensed or expanded on the screen. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property FontStyle
Gets or sets the font style. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property FontWeight
Gets or sets the weight or thickness of the specified font. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property Foreground
Gets or sets a brush that describes the foreground color. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property Height
Gets or sets the suggested height of the element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property HorizontalAlignment
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment characteristics applied to this element when it is composed within a parent element, such as a panel or items control. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property HorizontalContentAlignment
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the control's content. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property IntervalAppointmentTemplate
Gets or sets a DataTemplate that defines a UI representation of an IntervalAppointment object. This is a dependency property.
Public property IsDragDropDisabled
Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the CoverElementsPane doesn't allow resizing and drag operations. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Public property IsEnabled (Inherited from Control.)
Public property IsHitTestVisible
Gets or sets a value that declares whether this element can possibly be returned as a hit test result from some portion of its rendered content. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public property IsTabStop
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a control is included in tab navigation. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property Language
Gets or sets localization/globalization language information that applies to an element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property Margin
Gets or sets the outer margin of an element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property MaxHeight
Gets or sets the maximum height constraint of the element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property MaxWidth
Gets or sets the maximum width constraint of the element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property MinHeight
Gets or sets the minimum height constraint of the element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property MinWidth
Gets or sets the minimum width constraint of the element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property Name
Gets or sets the identifying name of the element. The name provides a reference so that code-behind, such as event handler code, can refer to a markup element after it is constructed during processing by a XAML processor. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property Opacity
Gets or sets the opacity factor applied to the entire UIElement when it is rendered in the user interface (UI). This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public property OpacityMask
Gets or sets an opacity mask, as a Brush implementation that is applied to any alpha-channel masking for the rendered content of this element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public property Owner
Gets the object representing the CoverElementsPane object owner. This is a dependency property. Default value is null.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Public property Padding
Gets or sets the padding inside a control. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property Parent
Gets the logical parent element of this element.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property RenderSize
Gets (or sets, but see Remarks) the final render size of this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public property RenderTransform
Gets or sets transform information that affects the rendering position of this element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public property RenderTransformOrigin
Gets or sets the center point of any possible render transform declared by RenderTransform, relative to the bounds of the element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public property Resources
Gets or sets the locally-defined resource dictionary.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property SizingType
Gets or sets the SizingType values specifying how CoverElementsPane determines UI elements size. The default value is SizingType.Fixed.
(Inherited from CoverElementsPane.)
Public property Style
Gets or sets the style used by this element when it is rendered. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property TabIndex
Gets or sets a value that determines the order in which elements receive focus when the user navigates through controls by using the TAB key. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property TabNavigation (Inherited from Control.)
Public property Tag
Gets or sets an arbitrary object value that can be used to store custom information about this element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property Template
Gets or sets a control template. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property Triggers
Gets the collection of triggers established directly on this element, or in child elements.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property UseLayoutRounding (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public property UseSimpleLayout
Only set this property to false if you use complex layout in the custom C1Scheduler control template and found problems with layouting appointments at runtime. In such case AppointmentsCoverPane will use more slow algorithm to determine what elements should be used to layout appointments over them.
Public property VerticalAlignment
Gets or sets the vertical alignment characteristics applied to this element when it is composed within a parent element such as a panel or items control. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public property VerticalContentAlignment
Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the control's content. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public property Visibility
Gets or sets the user interface (UI) visibility of this element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public property Width
Gets or sets the width of the element. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)

Attached Properties

  Name Description
Public attached property AppointmentFilter
Public attached property KeepTimesAtDrop


  Name Description
Public event BindingValidationError (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public event GotFocus
Occurs when this element gets logical focus.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public event IsEnabledChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Public event KeyDown
Occurs when a key is pressed while focus is on this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public event KeyUp
Occurs when a key is released while focus is on this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public event LayoutUpdated (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public event Loaded
Occurs when the element is laid out, rendered, and ready for interaction.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public event LostFocus
Occurs when this element loses logical focus.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public event LostMouseCapture
Occurs when this element loses mouse capture.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public event MouseEnter
Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public event MouseLeave
Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the bounds of this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public event MouseLeftButtonDown
Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public event MouseLeftButtonUp
Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public event MouseMove
Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while over this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public event SizeChanged
Occurs when either the ActualHeight or the ActualWidth properties change value on this element.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)

See Also