
  Class Description
Public class Action
Represents an action to take when the current system time reaches the start of the associated Appointment object.
Public class ActionCollection
The ActionCollection is a collection of all Action objects that represents the reminders for all pending items.
Public class AddingNewEventArgs
Public class Appointment
The Appointment object is a meeting, a one-time appointment, or a recurring appointment or meeting in the C1Schedule. The Appointment class includes properties that specify meeting details such as the location and time.
Public class AppointmentCollection
The AppointmentCollection is a collection of all Appointment objects in the C1Schedule component.
Public class AppointmentComparer
Compares Appointment objects by their start time.
Public class AppointmentEventArgs
The AppointmentEventArgs class describes event data for Appointment events.
Public class AppointmentList
The AppointmentList is a sortable collection of Appointment objects.
Public class AppointmentMappingCollection
Represents a generic collection of mappings for properties of BaseObject derived objects to appropriate data fields.
Public class AppointmentStorage
The AppointmentStorage is the storage for Appointment objects. It allows binding to the data source and mapping data source fields to the appointment properties.
Public class BaseCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
The BaseCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)> is a base generic class for all collections in C1Schedule object model.
Public class BaseList<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
The BaseList<(Of <(<'T>)>)> is a base generic class for all lists in C1Schedule's object model. Only objects existing in the owning collection can be added to this list.
Public class BaseObject
The BaseObject is a base class for resources, labels, statuses, categories and contacts. It implements base UI properties and persistence.
Public class BaseObjectMappingCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Represents a generic collection of mappings for properties of the BaseObject derived objects to appropriate data fields.
Public class BasePersistableObject
The BasePersistableObject is a base class for persistable objects.
Public class BaseStorage<(Of <(<'T, TMappingCollection>)>)>
The BaseStorage<(Of <(<'T, TMappingCollection>)>)> is the base generic component for all storages in C1Schedule object model. Represents a storage of objects derived from BasePersistableObject. This component implements methods of operations over the collections of objects. It allows the collection to be populated programmatically or automatically by retrieving data from the data source which is specified by the DataSource and DataMember properties. It allows mapping of data source fields to the object properties.
Public class C1BindingSource
The C1BindingSource encapsulates the data source.
Public class C1Brush
Wrapper class for brushes. Only for serialization/deserialization purposes.
Public class C1ObservableCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
The C1ObservableCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)> is the base class for all Collection<(Of <(<'T>)>)> derived collections. Supports notification.
Public class C1ObservableKeyedCollection<(Of <(<'TKey, TItem>)>)>
The C1ObservableCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)> is the base class for all KeyedCollection<(Of <(<'TKey, TItem>)>)> derived collections. Supports notification.
Public class C1ScheduleStorage
The C1ScheduleStorage component handles all data operations for the scheduler control and contains specific data storages for appointments, resources, contacts, owners, labels and statuses, which are used for binding different collections to the data. The C1ScheduleStorage component also handles data importing and exporting to other scheduling formats such as binary, iCal, and XML.
Public class CalendarInfo
The CalendarInfo class manages and exposes all date-related data to C1Schedule controls.
Public class CancelAppointmentEventArgs
The CancelAppointmentEventArgs class describes event data for Appointment events.
Public class CancelReminderEventArgs
Describes event data for cancelable Reminder events.
Public class Category
The Category class represents the category which can be associated with the Appointment object.
Public class CategoryCollection
The CategoryCollection is a collection of Category objects which represents all available categories in C1Schedule object model. By default it contains the set of predefined categories.
Public class CategoryList
The CategoryList is a list of Category objects. Only objects existing in the owning CategoryCollection object may be added to this list. Use the CategoryList to associate the set of Category objects with an Appointment object.
Public class CategoryStorage
The CategoryStorage is the storage for Category objects. It allows binding to the data source and mapping data source fields to the category properties.
Public class Contact
The Contact class represents the person information. Not real class just sample for prototyping.
Public class ContactCollection
The ContactCollection is a collection of Contact objects which represents all available contacts in C1Schedule object model.
Public class ContactList
The ContactList is a list of Contact objects. Only objects existing in the owning ContactCollection object may be added to this list. Use the ContactList to associate the set of Contact objects with an Appointment object.
Public class ContactStorage
The ContactStorage is the storage for Contact objects. It allows binding to the data source and mapping data source fields to the contact properties.
Public class DateList
The DateList class is a wrapper for the List<(Of <(<'T>)>)> instance. At addition of the new value, it cuts off the time part of the value and ensures that the value is not present in the list yet.
Public class ItemSynchronizedEventArgs
Provides data for the DataSourceItemSynchronized event.
Public class Label
The Label class represents the label which can be associated with the Appointment object.
Public class LabelCollection
The LabelCollection is a collection of Label objects which represents all available labels in C1Schedule object model.
Public class LabelList
The LabelList is a list of Label objects. Only objects existing in the owning LabelCollection object may be added to this list.
Public class LabelStorage
The LabelStorage is the storage for Label objects. It allows binding to the data source and mapping data source fields to the label properties.
Public class ListChangedEventArgs
Public class MappingCollectionBase<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Represents a collection of mappings for properties of the BasePersistableObject object to the appropriate data fields. Names of properties are keys in this collection.
Public class MappingInfo
This class provides information on the mapping of the single property of the object to the appropriate data field.
Public class RecurrencePattern
The RecurrencePattern class contains information that describes the recurrence pattern and range of the associated Appointment object.
Public class Reminder
The Reminder class represents an object which allows users to keep track of upcoming appointments by scheduling a pop-up dialog box to appear at a given time.
Public class ReminderCollection
The ReminderCollection is a collection of all Reminder objects that represents the reminders for all pending items.
Public class ReminderEventArgs
Describes event data for Reminder object events.
Public class Resource
The Resource class represents the resource which can be associated with the Appointment object.
Public class ResourceCollection
The ResourceCollection is a collection of Resource objects which represents all available resources in C1Schedule object model.
Public class ResourceList
The ResourceList is a list of Resource objects. Only objects existing in the owning ResourceCollection object may be added to this list. Use the ResourceList to associate the set of Resource objects with an Appointment object.
Public class ResourceStorage
The ResourceStorage is the storage for Resource objects. It allows binding to the data source and mapping data source fields to the resource properties.
Public class Status
The Status class represents an availability status for the Appointment object.
Public class StatusCollection
The StatusCollection is a collection of Status objects which represents all available statuses in C1Schedule object model. By default it contains the set of predefined statuses.
Public class StatusList
The StatusList is a list of Status objects. Only objects existing in the owning StatusCollection object may be added to this list.
Public class StatusStorage
The StatusStorage is the storage for Status objects. It allows binding to the data source and mapping data sources fields to the status properties.
Public class WorkDays
The WorkDays class is a list of working days for the single week.



  Delegate Description
Public delegate AddingNewEventHandler
Public delegate CancelAppointmentEventHandler
Delegate for handling the cancelable event involving a single Appointment object.
Public delegate CancelReminderEventHandler
Delegate for handling the cancelable event involving a single Reminder object.
Public delegate DataSourceItemSynchronizedEventHandler
The delegate type for the event handlers of the DataSourceItemSynchronized event.
Public delegate ListChangedEventHandler


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ActionTypeEnum
ActionTypeEnum determines the type of action.
Public enumeration C1BrushStyleEnum
Specifies the different patterns available for brushes.
Public enumeration FileFormatEnum
Specifies the format of the exported or imported file.
Public enumeration ImportanceEnum
Determines the importance of the Appointment object.
Public enumeration ListChangedType
Public enumeration RecurrenceStateEnum
Determines the type of the Appointment object.
Public enumeration RecurrenceTypeEnum
Determines the types of recurrent appointments.
Public enumeration SensitivityEnum
Determines the sensitivity of the Appointment object.
Public enumeration StatusTypeEnum
Determines the type of status.
Public enumeration SynchronizationActionEnum
Describes the version of data in a data storage.
Public enumeration TimeScaleEnum
Determines the time interval which is used for displaying time slots in the DayView.
Public enumeration WeekDaysEnum
Determines the set of days and groups of days for recurrence patterns.
Public enumeration WeekOfMonthEnum
Determines the week in a month in which the appointment will occur.