LiveLinq in Silverlight

LiveLinq can be used in Silverlight (starting with Silverlight 4) as well as in .NET Framework. Use the assembly

C1.Silverlight.LiveLinq.dll instead of C1.LiveLinq.dll.

LiveLinq indexing features are not available in Silverlight, but live views are fully supported in Silverlight as well as in .NET Framework. The following namespaces (containing indexing features and ADO.NET support unavailable in Silverlight) are not present in the Silverlight version of LiveLinq:




Two sample projects are included in Samples\LiveLinq\HowTo\LiveViews showing how to use LiveLinq in Silverlight with collections (ObservableCollection in the sample) and with XML:



These are only samples using LiveLinq in Silverlight with in-memory objects, without database. Many more Silverlight samples using RIA Services for database access can be found in other samples, tutorials, and documentation of ComponentOne Studio for Entity Framework.


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