Live view samples

HowTo LiveViews samples show the second and main part of LiveLinq functionality: LINQ queries as live views, automatically reflecting changes in the data on which they are based, so they can be used to build applications declaratively, minimizing procedural, manual coding.

Every sample uses two views over the same data: one the most basic (filtered view) and the other a little more complex, with a join. The functionality is identical in all three samples, differing only in the nature of the underlying data: user object collections (LiveLinqToObjects), ADO.NET DataSet (LiveLinqDataSet) or XML (LiveLinqToXml).

To see live views in action, you can try, for example:

      Change the ShipCity value from "London" to "Colchester" or vice versa in any of the two grids and leave the current row (to commit the change). Observe that the value in the other grid changes accordingly.

      Change the ShipCity value to any string other than "London" and "Colchester" in any of the two grids.  Observe that the row disappears from both grids.

See also the Live views sample application (LiveLinqIssueTracker) for more advanced functionality.


This sample demonstrates basic live view functionality for views based on user-defined object collections (LiveLinq to Objects).


This sample demonstrates basic live view functionality for views based on ADO.NET DataSet (LiveLinq to DataSet). This sample uses a typed data set, but untyped data sets can be used as well, as shown in the LiveLinqToDataSet sample.


This sample demonstrates basic live view functionality for views based on XML (LiveLinq to XML).

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