The LiveViewExtensions type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member AsLive<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(BindingList<(Of <<'(T>)>>))
A typed specialization of the AsLive<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(IBindingList) method.
Public method Static member AsLive<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(IBindingList)
Creates a view based on the specified IBindingList data source.
Public method Static member AsLive<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(IObservableSource<(Of <<'(T>)>>))
Creates a view based on the specified IObservableSource<(Of <(<'T>)>)> collection.
Public method Static member AsLive<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(BindingList<(Of <<'(T>)>>), ViewOrder)
A typed specialization of the AsLive<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(IBindingList, ViewOrder) method.
Public method Static member AsLive<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(IBindingList, ViewOrder)
Creates a view based on the specified IBindingList data source.
Public method Static member AsLive<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(IObservableSource<(Of <<'(T>)>>), ViewOrder)
Creates a view based on the specified IObservableSource<(Of <(<'T>)>)> collection.
Public method Static member AsNonUpdatable<(Of <<'(T>)>>)
Specifies a view as read-only.
Public method Static member AsUpdatable<(Of <<'(T>)>>)
Specifies a view as updatable.
Public method Static member LiveAggregate<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, TSource, TSource>)>>)>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, TSource, TSource>)>>)>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, TSource, Boolean>)>>)>)>>))
Applies an accumulator function over a view.
Public method Static member LiveAggregate<(Of <<'(TSource, TAccumulate>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), TAccumulate, Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TAccumulate, TSource, TAccumulate>)>>)>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TAccumulate, TSource, TAccumulate>)>>)>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TAccumulate, TSource, Boolean>)>>)>)>>))
Applies an accumulator function over a view. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value.
Public method Static member LiveAggregate<(Of <<'(TSource, TAccumulate, TResult>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), TAccumulate, Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TAccumulate, TSource, TAccumulate>)>>)>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TAccumulate, TSource, TAccumulate>)>>)>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TAccumulate, TSource, Boolean>)>>)>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TAccumulate, TResult>)>>)>)>>))
Applies an accumulator function over a view. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value, and the specified function is used to select the result value.
Public method Static member LiveAverage(View<(Of <<'(Decimal>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of Decimal values.
Public method Static member LiveAverage(View<(Of <<'(Double>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of Double values.
Public method Static member LiveAverage(View<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of Int32 values.
Public method Static member LiveAverage(View<(Of <<'(Int64>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of Int64 values.
Public method Static member LiveAverage(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Decimal>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of nullable Decimal values.
Public method Static member LiveAverage(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Double>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of nullable Double values.
Public method Static member LiveAverage(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of nullable Int32 values.
Public method Static member LiveAverage(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Int64>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of nullable Int64 values.
Public method Static member LiveAverage(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Single>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of nullable Single values.
Public method Static member LiveAverage(View<(Of <<'(Single>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of Single values.
Public method Static member LiveAverage<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Decimal>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of Decimal values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveAverage<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Double>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of Double values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveAverage<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Int32>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of Int32 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveAverage<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Int64>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of Int64 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveAverage<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Decimal>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of nullable Decimal values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveAverage<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Double>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of nullable Double values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveAverage<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of nullable Int32 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveAverage<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Int64>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of nullable Int64 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveAverage<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Single>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of nullable Single values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveAverage<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Single>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the average of a view of Single values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveCount<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(T>)>>))
A view representing the number of elements in a view.
Public method Static member LiveCount<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(T>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(T, Boolean>)>>)>)>>))
A view representing the number of elements of the specified view satisfying a condition.
Public method Static member LiveMax(View<(Of <<'(Decimal>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of Decimal values.
Public method Static member LiveMax(View<(Of <<'(Double>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of Double values.
Public method Static member LiveMax(View<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of Int32 values.
Public method Static member LiveMax(View<(Of <<'(Int64>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of Int64 values.
Public method Static member LiveMax(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Decimal>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of nullable Decimal values.
Public method Static member LiveMax(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Double>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of nullable Double values.
Public method Static member LiveMax(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of nullable Int32 values.
Public method Static member LiveMax(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Int64>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of nullable Int64 values.
Public method Static member LiveMax(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Single>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of nullable Single values.
Public method Static member LiveMax(View<(Of <<'(Single>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of Single values.
Public method Static member LiveMax<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of elements of a generic type.
Public method Static member LiveMax<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Decimal>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of Decimal values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMax<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Double>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of Double values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMax<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Int32>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of Int32 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMax<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Int64>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of Int64 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMax<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Decimal>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of nullable Decimal values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMax<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Double>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of nullable Double values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMax<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of nullable Int32 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMax<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Int64>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of nullable Int64 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMax<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Single>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of nullable Single values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMax<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Single>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the maximum value of a view of Single values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMax<(Of <<'(TSource, TResult>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, TResult>)>>)>)>>))
Invokes a transform function on each element of a view of elements of a generic type and computes the maximum resulting value.
Public method Static member LiveMin(View<(Of <<'(Decimal>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of Decimal values.
Public method Static member LiveMin(View<(Of <<'(Double>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of Double values.
Public method Static member LiveMin(View<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of Int32 values.
Public method Static member LiveMin(View<(Of <<'(Int64>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of Int64 values.
Public method Static member LiveMin(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Decimal>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of nullable Decimal values.
Public method Static member LiveMin(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Double>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of nullable Double values.
Public method Static member LiveMin(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of nullable Int32 values.
Public method Static member LiveMin(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Int64>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of nullable Int64 values.
Public method Static member LiveMin(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Single>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of nullable Single values.
Public method Static member LiveMin(View<(Of <<'(Single>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of Single values.
Public method Static member LiveMin<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of elements of a generic type.
Public method Static member LiveMin<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Decimal>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of Decimal values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMin<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Double>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of Double values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMin<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Int32>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of Int32 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMin<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Int64>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of Int64 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMin<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Decimal>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of nullable Decimal values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMin<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Double>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of nullable Double values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMin<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of nullable Int32 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMin<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Int64>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of nullable Int64 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMin<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Single>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of nullable Single values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMin<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Single>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the minimum value of a view of Single values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveMin<(Of <<'(TSource, TResult>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, TResult>)>>)>)>>))
Invokes a transform function on each element of a view of elements of a generic type and computes the minimum resulting value.
Public method Static member LiveSum(View<(Of <<'(Decimal>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of Decimal values.
Public method Static member LiveSum(View<(Of <<'(Double>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of Double values.
Public method Static member LiveSum(View<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of Int32 values.
Public method Static member LiveSum(View<(Of <<'(Int64>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of Int64 values.
Public method Static member LiveSum(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Decimal>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of nullable Decimal values.
Public method Static member LiveSum(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Double>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of nullable Double values.
Public method Static member LiveSum(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of nullable Int32 values.
Public method Static member LiveSum(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Int64>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of nullable Int64 values.
Public method Static member LiveSum(View<(Of <<'(Nullable<(Of <<'(Single>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of nullable Single values.
Public method Static member LiveSum(View<(Of <<'(Single>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of Single values.
Public method Static member LiveSum<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Decimal>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of Decimal values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveSum<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Double>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of Double values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveSum<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Int32>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of Int32 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveSum<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Int64>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of Int64 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveSum<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Decimal>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of nullable Decimal values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveSum<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Double>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of nullable Double values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveSum<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of nullable Int32 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveSum<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Int64>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of nullable Int64 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveSum<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Nullable<(Of <<'(Single>)>>)>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of nullable Single values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.
Public method Static member LiveSum<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>)(View<(Of <<'(TSource>)>>), Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(TSource, Single>)>>)>)>>))
Computes the sum of a view of Single values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the source view.

See Also