The ViewRowCollection type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Clear
Deletes all view elements.
Public method Contains
Determines whether the ViewRowCollection contains a specific view row.
Public method CreateRow
Creates a new item directly in the view, and a view row associated with it, and adds it to the ViewRowCollection.
Public method DeferRefresh
Enters a defer cycle that you can use to merge changes to the view and delay automatic refresh.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetItemProperties
Returns the collection of properties available in the view element type to programmatic access through ViewRow and to data binding.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method IndexOf
Determines the ordinal position of a specific view row in the ViewRowCollection.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Remove
Deletes the specified view item.
Public method RemoveAt
Deletes the view row at a specified ordinal position in ViewRowCollection.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


  Name Description
Public property AllowClear
Gets a value indicating whether the Clear()()()() operation is allowed on the view directly.
Public property AllowEdit
Gets a value indicating whether modifying property values is allowed on the view directly.
Public property AllowNew
Gets a value indicating whether the CreateRow()()()() operation is allowed on the view directly.
Public property AllowRemove
Gets a value indicating whether deleting rows is allowed on the view directly.
Public property Count
Gets the number of elements in the view.
Public property GroupDescriptions
Gets a collection of GroupDescription objects that describe how the items in the collection are grouped.
Public property Groups
Gets the top-level groups.
Public property Indexes
Gets the collection of indexes for this view allowing to search for ViewRow objects.
Public property Item
Gets the view row at the specified ordinal position.
Public property Properties
Returns the collection of properties available in the view element type to programmatic access through ViewRow and to data binding.
Public property SortDescriptions
Gets a collection of SortDescription objects that describe how the items in the collection are sorted.


  Name Description
Public event Changed
Occurs after a view row has changed.
Public event ViewRowAdding
Occurs after a new view row is created so it can be populated with default values.

Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICollection<(Of <<'(ViewRow>)>>)..::..Add
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IList..::..Add
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IBindingList..::..AddIndex
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IBindingList..::..AddNew
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IEditableCollectionView..::..AddNew
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IBindingList..::..ApplySort
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IBindingListView..::..ApplySort
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IEditableCollectionView..::..CanAddNew
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IEditableCollectionView..::..CanCancelEdit
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IEditableCollectionView..::..CancelEdit
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICancelAddNew..::..CancelNew
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IEditableCollectionView..::..CancelNew
Explicit interface implemetation Private property ICollectionView..::..CanFilter
Explicit interface implemetation Private property ICollectionView..::..CanGroup
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IEditableCollectionView..::..CanRemove
Explicit interface implemetation Private property ICollectionView..::..CanSort
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICollection<(Of <<'(ViewRow>)>>)..::..Clear
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IList..::..Clear
Explicit interface implemetation Private event INotifyCollectionChanged..::..CollectionChanged
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IEditableCollectionView..::..CommitEdit
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IEditableCollectionView..::..CommitNew
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IList..::..Contains
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICollectionView..::..Contains
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICollection<(Of <<'(ViewRow>)>>)..::..CopyTo
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICollection..::..CopyTo
Explicit interface implemetation Private property ICollectionView..::..Culture
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IEditableCollectionView..::..CurrentAddItem
Explicit interface implemetation Private event ICollectionView..::..CurrentChanged
Explicit interface implemetation Private event ICollectionView..::..CurrentChanging
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IEditableCollectionView..::..CurrentEditItem
Explicit interface implemetation Private property ICollectionView..::..CurrentItem
Explicit interface implemetation Private property ICollectionView..::..CurrentPosition
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IEditableCollectionView..::..EditItem
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICancelAddNew..::..EndNew
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IBindingListView..::..Filter
Explicit interface implemetation Private property ICollectionView..::..Filter
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IBindingList..::..Find
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IEnumerable..::..GetEnumerator
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ITypedList..::..GetListName
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IList..::..IndexOf
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IList<(Of <<'(ViewRow>)>>)..::..Insert
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IList..::..Insert
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IEditableCollectionView..::..IsAddingNew
Explicit interface implemetation Private property ICollectionView..::..IsCurrentAfterLast
Explicit interface implemetation Private property ICollectionView..::..IsCurrentBeforeFirst
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IEditableCollectionView..::..IsEditingItem
Explicit interface implemetation Private property ICollectionView..::..IsEmpty
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IList..::..IsFixedSize
Explicit interface implemetation Private property ICollection<(Of <<'(ViewRow>)>>)..::..IsReadOnly
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IList..::..IsReadOnly
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IBindingList..::..IsSorted
Explicit interface implemetation Private property ICollection..::..IsSynchronized
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IList<(Of <<'(ViewRow>)>>)..::..Item
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IList..::..Item
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IItemProperties..::..ItemProperties
Explicit interface implemetation Private event IBindingList..::..ListChanged
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICollectionView..::..MoveCurrentTo
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICollectionView..::..MoveCurrentToFirst
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICollectionView..::..MoveCurrentToLast
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICollectionView..::..MoveCurrentToNext
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICollectionView..::..MoveCurrentToPosition
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICollectionView..::..MoveCurrentToPrevious
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IEditableCollectionView..::..NewItemPlaceholderPosition
Explicit interface implemetation Private event INotifyPropertyChanged..::..PropertyChanged
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICollectionView..::..Refresh
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICollection<(Of <<'(ViewRow>)>>)..::..Remove
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IList..::..Remove
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IEditableCollectionView..::..Remove
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IList<(Of <<'(ViewRow>)>>)..::..RemoveAt
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IList..::..RemoveAt
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IBindingListView..::..RemoveFilter
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IBindingList..::..RemoveIndex
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IBindingList..::..RemoveSort
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IBindingListView..::..SortDescriptions
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IBindingList..::..SortDirection
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IBindingList..::..SortProperty
Explicit interface implemetation Private property ICollectionView..::..SourceCollection
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IBindingListView..::..SupportsAdvancedSorting
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IBindingList..::..SupportsChangeNotification
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IBindingListView..::..SupportsFiltering
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IBindingList..::..SupportsSearching
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IBindingList..::..SupportsSorting
Explicit interface implemetation Private property ICollection..::..SyncRoot
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IIndexedSource<(Of <<'(ViewRow>)>>)..::..Indexes
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IObservableSource<(Of <<'(ViewRow>)>>)..::..CreateNew
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IObservableSource<(Of <<'(ViewRow>)>>)..::..EnableItemOrdinals
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IObservableSource<(Of <<'(ViewRow>)>>)..::..IsDeletedStateAvailable
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IObservableSource<(Of <<'(ViewRow>)>>)..::..SupportsItemOrdinals

See Also