Wraps a DataTable in an IndexedDataTable<DataRow> so it can be indexed and queried using the optimized query operators from IndexedQueryExtensions.

Namespace:  C1.LiveLinq.AdoNet
Assembly:  C1.LiveLinq (in C1.LiveLinq.dll)


public static IndexedDataTable<DataRow> AsIndexed(
	this DataTable table
Visual Basic
<ExtensionAttribute> _
Public Shared Function AsIndexed ( _
	table As DataTable _
) As IndexedDataTable(Of DataRow)


Type: System.Data..::..DataTable
A DataTable to represent as an IndexedDataTable<DataRow>.

Return Value

An IndexedDataTable<DataRow> that contains the same rows as table and enables indexing of its rows.


Use this method to index ADO.NET data tables and query them using the query operators optimized with indexing.

Elements of the source data table aren't duplicated or copied to a new collection. This method just wraps the original data table in an IndexedDataTable<DataRow>.

Note: The IndexedDataTable<DataRow> wrapper is owned by the original DataTable object (in fact, it is stored in its ExtendedProperties). So, if you create a wrapper for the same data table several times, it will be the same object.

See Also