Sets the value of the Transaction property.

Namespace:  C1.LiveLinq.LiveViews
Assembly:  C1.LiveLinq (in C1.LiveLinq.dll)


public void SetTransaction(
	ITransaction transaction,
	bool allowPropertyPaths
Visual Basic
Public Sub SetTransaction ( _
	transaction As ITransaction, _
	allowPropertyPaths As Boolean _


Type: C1.LiveLinq..::..ITransaction
The new value for the the Transaction property.
Type: System..::..Boolean
Set this parameter to True to prevent exception if you have writable property paths and want to ignore them (but be aware that updates through property paths are not tracked by the transaction). The default is False.


If a writable property path exists in the view element type (for example,
Copy CodeC#
), then an exception is thrown unless suppressed by setting allowPropertyPaths to True, because modifying properties using such paths cannot be supported by transactions. To prevent the exception, set the allowPropertyPaths parameter to True, but make sure you do not use such property paths in your code and don't have a two-way data binding to such property path in your controls. If you modify a property using such path in your code or through data binding, that modification happens outside the transaction scope.

See Also