
  Class Description
Public class GroupingQuery<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Represents a collection of IndexedGroup<(Of <(<'T>)>)>, groups of elements with the same key, resulting from a search operation with grouping. This class has a derived class GroupingQuery<(Of <(<'TKey, T>)>)> with specific type of the key used for the index search.
Public class GroupingQuery<(Of <(<'TKey, T>)>)>
Represents a collection of IndexedGroup<(Of <(<'TKey, T>)>)>, groups of elements with the same key, resulting from a search operation with grouping.
Public class IndexedGroup<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Represents a group of elements with the same key belonging to a collection of groups resulting from a search operation with grouping. This class has a derived class IndexedGroup<(Of <(<'TKey, T>)>)> with specific key type.
Public class IndexedGroup<(Of <(<'TKey, T>)>)>
Represents a group of elements with the same key belonging to a collection of groups resulting from a search operation with grouping.
Public class IndexQuery<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Represents a collection that is the result of an index search. Objects of this class are returned by the IIndexScanner<(Of <(<'T>)>)> search methods. This class has a derived class IndexQuery<(Of <(<'T, TKey>)>)> with specific type of the key used for the index search.
Public class IndexQuery<(Of <(<'T, TKey>)>)>
Represents a collection that is the result of an index search. Objects of this class are returned by the IIndexScanner<(Of <(<'T, TKey>)>)> search methods.


  Interface Description
Public interface IIndexScanner<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Represents an index or a subindex in its capacity of scanning through data. Provides methods for searching data items.
Public interface IIndexScanner<(Of <(<'T, TKey>)>)>
Represents an index or a subindex in its capacity of scanning through data. Provides methods for searching data items.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration JoinOperator
A comparison operator to match elements in a join operation.