Gets or sets the delay before an automatic data loading operation is started. It is the delay from the time a change prompting automatic load occurs until the time the resulting Load()()()() is started. The default delay is 25 milliseconds.

Namespace:  C1.Data.DataSource
Assembly:  C1.Data.Entity (in C1.Data.Entity.dll)


[DefaultValueAttribute(typeof(TimeSpan), "0:0:0.25")]
public TimeSpan LoadDelay { get; set; }
Visual Basic
<DefaultValueAttribute(GetType(TimeSpan), "0:0:0.25")> _
Public Property LoadDelay As TimeSpan


Multiple changes that occur within the specified time span are aggregated into a single Load()()()() operation. For every change that occurs, the delay timer is reset. This allows many changes to be combined into a single call as long as each change occurs within the specified delay from the last. Once the delay timer is allowed to elapse without a change occurring, Load()()()() will be invoked.

See Also