Gets the collection of ViewRow objects used for programmatic access to view elements (items) and for data binding.

Namespace:  C1.LiveLinq.LiveViews
Assembly:  C1.LiveLinq (in C1.LiveLinq.dll)


public ViewRowCollection Rows { get; }
Visual Basic
Public ReadOnly Property Rows As ViewRowCollection


There can be a view with elements of any type T, as represented by the generic class View<(Of <(<'T>)>)>. That type is not always known beforehand, so it is not always possible to access properties of view elements with strong-typed (early binding) code. Dynamic (untyped, late binding) access to view elements is provided by the ViewRowCollection owned by the view.

The collection of view rows (ViewRow objects) is always synchronized with the collection of view elements. ViewRow objects provide programmatic access to view elements and their properties.

Also, in WinForms, the Rows collection serves as the data source for data binding, when you bind a control or another client to a view, because a view returns its Rows collection in its implementation of the IListSource interface.

See Also