Represents the client-side cache, the central hub of data access in the Studio for Entity Framework.

Namespace:  C1.Data
Assembly:  C1.Data.Entity (in C1.Data.Entity.dll)


public abstract class ClientCacheBase : INotifyPropertyChanged, 
Visual Basic
Public MustInherit Class ClientCacheBase _
	Implements INotifyPropertyChanged, IDisposable


Usually, a single instance of this class is created on application startup with an ObjectContext/DomainContext as a parameter and exists during the entire application lifetime, while each form, window, or user control works with data using a ClientScope created by calling the CreateScope()()()() method.

It is the base class for platform-specific implementations, such as C1.Data.Entities.EntityClientCache (Entity Framework), C1.Silverlight.Data.RiaServices.RiaClientCache (RIA Services).

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also