Enumeration of possible virtual modes a ClientViewSource can be in. Used in the VirtualMode property.

Namespace:  C1.Data.DataSource
Assembly:  C1.Data.Entity (in C1.Data.Entity.dll)


public enum VirtualModeKind
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration VirtualModeKind


Member nameDescription
None Virtual mode is disabled.
Managed Virtual mode is managed by a GUI control bound to the ClientViewSource. That GUI control must have a control handler with the VirtualMode property set to True.
Unmanaged Virtual mode is not managed by a control handler, it is managed by the ClientViewSource itself that is unaware of what controls are bound to it. This option should be used only if you don't have a GUI control that supports virtual mode through a control handler. Although it allows to use virtual mode with any GUI bound control (with or without a control handler), it should be used with caution, only if you can't use the Managed option. See the "Programming Guide" in the Studio for Entity Framework documentation for more details.

See Also