Specifies the actions taken by LiveLinq query optimizer when it encounters an Indexed() hint applied to an expression (usually, a property) in a query.

Namespace:  C1.LiveLinq
Assembly:  C1.LiveLinq (in C1.LiveLinq.dll)


public enum IndexingHintAction
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration IndexingHintAction


Member nameDescription
Mandatory Create an index for this expression, if such index does not already exist. Use this index in executing the query (perform an index scan using that index). Throw an exception if it is impossible to use it in query execution.
Optional Create an index for this expression, if such index does not already exist. Use this index in executing the query, if it is possible. Do not throw exception if it is impossible to use that index in query execution.
UseExistingIndex Check that there exists an index for this expression. If it does not exist, throw an exception. Use this index in executing the query. Throw an exception if it is impossible to use this index in query execution.

See Also