Specifies whether and how a view must preserve item order if it exists in the source.

Namespace:  C1.LiveLinq.LiveViews
Assembly:  C1.LiveLinq (in C1.LiveLinq.dll)


public enum ViewOrder
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration ViewOrder


Member nameDescription
Preserved Source order is preserved completely. Order of items in the view is always the same as in the source (if source has a particular order), even after the view is maintained to reflect changes that occurred in the source.
PartiallyPreserved Source order is partially preserved. When the view is created, it preserves source order, but later, when changes occur in the source, view items added or modified to reflect those changes aren't guaranteed to appear at the same order position in the view as in the source.
NotPreserved Source order is not preserved. Preserving source order is not guaranteed even at view creation.

See Also