A data source control that simplifies data binding of GUI controls to data in a RiaClientCache. Can be used to bind multiple controls to different queries.

Namespace:  C1.Silverlight.Data.RiaServices
Assembly:  C1.Silverlight.Data.Entity (in C1.Silverlight.Data.Entity.dll)


public class C1DataSource : Control, 
	IC1DataSource, ISupportInitialize, INotifyPropertyChanged
Visual Basic
<DefaultMemberAttribute("Item")> _
<ContentPropertyAttribute("ViewSources")> _
Public Class C1DataSource _
	Inherits Control _
	Implements IC1DataSource, ISupportInitialize, INotifyPropertyChanged


To bind a control to data in a RiaClientCache, add a C1DataSource to a XAML file, specify the context type, populate the ViewSources collection with RiaViewSource objects to define views (based on queries), and bind GUI controls like this:
Copy CodeXAML
<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Customers, ElementName=c1DataSource}"/>
where Customers is the name of a RiaViewSource in the ViewSources collection, and c1DataSource is the name of the C1DataSource.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also