Added support for new controls- FlexChart, FlexPie, LinearGauge, BulletGraph, and RadialGauge.
Provided Visual Studio 2015 support.
Updated Number property in LightSwitchCollectionView.
Fixed the issue where Visual Studio crashes when Wijmo 3 and Wijmo 5 controls are used together.
Fixed the issue where at few instances Save Changes dialog shows, but not the changes when a page is closed.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the filtering result loses one row, when user applies paging in FlexGrid and sets the value of the property "No. of items to display per page" to a value one less than the expected filtering result.
Fixed the issue where if two Wijmo FlexGrid screens are bound to same data, the data of second screen are lost when user navigates to it after performing Editing and Sorting on the first screen.
Fixed the issue where data of Frozen rows are disappeared, while scrolling the FlexGrid by moving Scrolling Thumb.
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