Cloud Business App Edition > Wijmo Control Extensions > Controls > Gauge > Gauge Types |
Cloud Business App Edition uses Wijmo 5 control extensions that comprise three kinds of gauges: LinearGauge, RadialGauge and BulletGraph.
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Usage |
Linear Gauge: A linear gauge displays the value along a linear scale, using a linear pointer. |
A linear gauge is commonly used to denote data as a scale value such as length, temperature, etc. |
Radial Gauge: A radial gauge displays the value along a circular scale, using a curved pointer. The scale can be rotated as defined by the StartAngle and SweepAngle properties. |
A radial gauge is commonly used to denote data such as volume, velocity, etc. |
Bullet Graph: A bullet graph displays a single value on a linear scale, along with a target value and ranges that instantly indicate whether the value is good or bad. |
A bullet graph is a variant of a linear gauge, designed specifically for use in dashboards that display a number of single value data, such as yearly sales revenue. |