Represents an ASP.NET toolbar button. The C1ToolBarButton object defines a toolbar button.

Namespace:  C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1ToolBar
Assembly:  C1.Web.UI.Controls.2 (in C1.Web.UI.Controls.2.dll)


public class C1ToolBarButton : C1ToolBarItem
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Class C1ToolBarButton _
	Inherits C1ToolBarItem


A button can include text, image, or text and image. Set text with the Text property, and an image with the Image property for each C1ToolBarButton object. The buttons can be added at design-time using the designer, programmatically using Add or Remove methods from the C1ToolBarItemCollection collection, or on the client-side by using the removeAt client-side method.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also