ComponentOne ToolTip for ASP.NET AJAX: C1ToolTip Quick Start > Step 2 of 4: Creating and Assigning a C1ToolTip to a Control

Step 2 of 4: Creating and Assigning a C1ToolTip to a Control

In this step you will create a simple ToolTip and assign it to the Button control.

1.   Click the C1ToolTip smart tag () and select Edit TargetControls in the C1ToolTip Tasks menu. The C1ToolTip Designer Form opens.

2.   Select C1ToolTip1 on the Edit tab.

3.   In the properties pane, enter "This is the text for my C1ToolTip." next to the Text property.

4.   Click the Add Child Item button on the toolbar and select ToolTipTargetControl.

5.   Select C1ToolTipTargetControl in the tree and in the properties pane, enter Button1 next to the C1ToolTip.TargetControlID property.

6.   Click OK to close the designer.

Now that you've created and assigned the ToolTip to a control, you can determine how the ToolTip appears.

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