The C1TreeView type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CreateTreeViewNode
Creates new instance of the C1TreeViewNode class.
Public method FindControl
Override FindControl method.
(Overrides Control..::..FindControl(String).)
Public method FindNodeByNavigateUrl
Searches C1TreeViewNode node through the collection by the NavigateUrl. Recursive searching is used until C1TreeViewNode node is found.
Public method FindNodeByText
Searches C1TreeViewNode node through the collection by the Text. Recursive searching is used until C1TreeViewNode node is found.
Public method FindNodeByValue
Searches C1TreeViewNode node through the collection by the Value. Recursive searching is used until C1TreeViewNode node is found.
Public method GetControlScriptReferences
Returns references to script resources used by the C1TreeViewNode in the C1TreeView control.
Public method GetFrameworkScriptReferences
Returns references to script resources used by the Palomino framework.
Protected method GetScriptDescriptors (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Protected method GetScriptReferences (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Public method LoadLayout(Stream)
Load control layout properties from the stream.
Public method LoadLayout(String)
Loads control layout properties from the file.
Public method LoadLayout(Stream, LayoutType)
Loads the control layout properties with specified types from the stream.
Public method LoadLayout(String, LayoutType)
Loads control layout properties with specified types from the file.
Protected method LoadViewState
Loads the server control's previously saved view state to the control.
(Overrides WebControl..::..LoadViewState(Object).)
Protected method OnPreRender (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Public method OnVisualStyleChanged (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Public method RegisterRunTimeStyleSheets (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Public method RenderDesignTimeStyleSheets (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Public method SaveLayout(Stream)
Saves control layout properties to the stream.
Public method SaveLayout(String)
Saves the control layout properties to the file.
Protected method SaveViewState
Saves the changes to a server control's view state to an Object.
(Overrides WebControl..::..SaveViewState()()()().)

Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetation Private method System#Web#UI#IScriptControl#GetScriptDescriptors (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Explicit interface implemetation Private method System#Web#UI#IScriptControl#GetScriptReferences (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)

See Also