The C1TreeView type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AccessKey
Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the Web server control.
(Overrides WebControl..::..AccessKey.)
Public property AllowDragDrop
Allow to TreeView nodes to perform drag and drop.
Public property AllowEdit
Allow nodes to be edited at run time.
Public property AllowSorting
Allow nodes to be sorted at run time.
Public property AllowTriState
Allow TriState of CheckBox
Public property AutoCheckNodes
Allow sub nodes to be checked on parent node check.
Public property AutoCollapse
If this option is set to true, expanded node will be collapsed if other node is expanded.
Public property AutoPostBack
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether or not the control posts back to the server each time a user interacts with the control.
Public property BackColor
This property is hidden.
(Overrides C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControlBackColor()()()().)
Public property BorderColor
This property is hidden.
(Overrides C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControlBorderColor()()()().)
Public property BorderStyle
This property is hidden.
(Overrides C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControlBorderStyle()()()().)
Public property BorderWidth
This property is hidden.
(Overrides C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControlBorderWidth()()()().)
Public property C1WebControlsPath (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Public property CheckedNodes
Gets the CheckedNodes of C1TreeView.
Public property CollapseAnimation
Collapse Animation effect.
Public property CollapseDelay
Collapse delay in milliseconds before child nodes collapse. Default value is 100.
Public property CollapseDuration
Collapse Animation duration in milliseconds.
Public property CollapseEasing
Specifies the transition for collapse animation.
Public property ControlName (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Protected property CurrentScriptManager (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Public property DataBindings
C1TreeView tree view's data bindings.
Public property DataBindStartLevel
Gets or sets the value that indicates DataBind start level. If value is 0, only root nodes will be bounded on start. For the value equals to 1, root nodes and first level nodes will be bounded. Default value -1 indicates that property will be ignored.
Public property DisplayVisible
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a server control is rendered as UI on the page.
Public property EmbeddedVisualStyles
Returns all visual styles that have been embedded with the control.
(Overrides C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControlEmbeddedVisualStyles()()()().)
Public property Enabled
Gets a value indicating whether C1TreeView treeview is enabled or disabled. If treeview is disabled, click and select operations are also disabled.
(Overrides WebControl..::..Enabled.)
Public property ExpandAnimation
Gets or sets the animation effect when the node is expanded.
Public property ExpandCollapseHoverUsed
Allow nodes to use hover for Expand or Collapse elements.
Public property ExpandDelay
Expand delay in milliseconds before child nodes expand. Default value is 0.
Public property ExpandDepth
Gets or sets the value that indicates the level for expantion. For 0,only root nodes will be expanded. For 1,root nodes and its sub nodes will be expanded etc. For -1,or for the value that separate last level all nodes will be expanded. Default value is -2, does not affect.
Public property ExpandDuration
Expand Animation duration in milliseconds.
Public property ExpandEasing
Specifies the transition for expand animation.
Public property FocusOnMouseOver
This property indicates if C1TreeViewNode node will get focus if mouse pointer is over it.
Public property Font
This property is hidden.
(Overrides C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControlFont()()()().)
Public property ForeColor
This property is hidden.
(Overrides C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControlForeColor()()()().)
Public property LoadOnDemand
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether or not Loads on demand is enabled.
Public property Nodes
Gets a C1TreeViewNodeCollection object that contains the root nodes of the current C1TreeView control.
Public property NodesTemplate
If specified, this template will be applied for all C1TreeViewNode nodes that does not have other defined templates.
Public property OnClientNodeCheckChanged
If specified, the OnClientNodeCheckChanged client-side event handler is called after the C1TreeViewNode node check status has been changed.(If Checkboxes are enabled)
Public property OnClientNodeClicked
If specified, the OnClientNodeClicked client-side event handler is called after the C1TreeViewNode node has been clicked.
Public property OnClientNodeCollapsed
If specified, the OnClientNodeCollapsed client-side event handler is called after the C1TreeViewNode node has been collapsed.
Public property OnClientNodeDragging
If specified, the OnClientNodeDragging client-side event handler is called if the user moves the mouse while dragging the C1TreeViewNode node.
Public property OnClientNodeDragStarted
If specified, the OnClientNodeDragStarted client-side event handler is called before drag is started.
Public property OnClientNodeDropped
If specified, the OnClientNodeDropped client-side event handler is called before the C1TreeViewNode node has been dropped by user.
Public property OnClientNodeExpanded
If specified, the OnClientNodeExpanded client-side event handler is called after the C1TreeViewNode node has been expanded.
Public property OnClientNodeMouseOut
If specified, the OnClientNodeMouseOut client-side event handler is called if the user moves the mouse pointer out of the C1TreeViewNode node.
Public property OnClientNodeMouseOver
If specified, the OnClientNodeMouseOver client-side event handler is called if the user moves the mouse pointer over of the C1TreeViewNode node.
Public property OnClientNodeTextChanged
If specified, the OnClientNodeTextChanged client-side event handler is called after a C1TreeViewNode node's text has been edited.
Public property OnClientSelectedNodesChanged
If specified, the OnClientNodeSelection client-side event handler is called after the C1TreeViewNode node has been selected.
Public property Owner
There is no such owner for C1TreeView.
Public property PostBackEventReference
PostBack event reference of client side.
Protected property ResourceNameFormat (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Public property SelectedNodes
Gets the SelectedNodes of C1TreeView.
Public property ShowCheckBoxes
Allow the check box to be shown on the nodes.
Public property ShowExpandCollapse
Allow nodes to be expanded or collapsed.
Public property ShowLines
Gets or sets a value indicating whether lines connecting child nodes to parent nodes are displayed.
Public property StyleSheetFileName (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Protected property TagKey
Gets the System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriterTag value that corresponds to this Web server control. This property is used primarily by control developers.
(Overrides WebControl..::..TagKey.)
Protected property ThemeHelper (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Public property UseEmbeddedjQuery (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Public property UseEmbeddedVisualStyles (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)
Public property Visible
Gets or sets if toolbar is Visible.
(Overrides Control..::..Visible.)
Public property VisualStyle
VisualStyle name.
(Overrides C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControlVisualStyle()()()().)
Public property VisualStylePath
Gets or sets the path to the visual style folder.
(Overrides C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControlVisualStylePath()()()().)

Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetation Private property C1#Web#UI#Interfaces#IC1ThemeSupport#ResourceNameFormatInternal (Inherited from C1ThemeableHierarchicalDataBoundControl.)

See Also