ComponentOne TreeView for ASP.NET: TreeView Behavior > Animation > Expand and Collapse Animation Effects

Expand and Collapse Animation Effects

You can change how node items expand or collapse by using one of the 27 built-in animation effects. These animation effects are available through the CollapseAnimation and ExpandAnimation properties. Expand and collapse animation effects are special visual effects that occur while the nodes expand or collapse. For each expand or collapse effect you can specify how long the animation lasts by specifying an integer value for the ExpandDuration and CollapseDuration properties. The duration is measure in milliseconds. By default, the treeview items expand and collapse without an animation effect.

Typically the animations that scroll in, fade in, fold in, close or drop in are used on collapsing treeview items and the animations that scroll out, fade out, fold out, open, or drop out, are used on expanding treeview items. To disable an animation effect for the collapsed nodes or expanded nodes, set the CollapseAnimation or ExpandAnimation property to None.

The following table lists and defines each animation effect:


Animation Name

Animation Description


Disables animation behavior for the expanding or collapsing treeview items.


Performs a fade in from the current opacity to the maximum opacity.


Performs a fade out from the current opacity to the maximum opacity.


Scrolls down from the top to bottom.


Scrolls in from the right end to the left end.


Scrolls in from the left end of the treeview to the right end of the treeview.


Scrolls out of view from the bottom to the top of the treeview.


Scrolls out of view from left to right.


Its scrolls out of view from the top down to the bottom.


Scrolls from the right side toward the left side of the menu.


Folds the treeview.


Unfolds the treeview.


Opens the treeview vertically from the center of the treeview.


Closes the treeview vertically from the center of the menu.


Opens the treeview horizontally from left to right.


Closes the treeview horizonally from right to left.


Moves the treeview back and fourth from left to right.


Moves the treeview nodes up and down.


The treeview nodes start moving upward from its default location to near the top of the page. The treeview node’s opacity decreases as it moves further upward away from its default location.


The treeview nodes appear to the far left side of the treeview control and move toward the right and stop once it reaches its default location (the location of its associated parent treeview item). The moving treeview node’s opacity increases as it moves closer to its default location.


Drops downward with the bottom of the treeview items appearing first. The treeview’s opacity increases as it moves down to meet with its associated parent treeview item.


The treeview nodes appear to the far right side of the treeview control and move toward the left and stop once it reaches its default location (the location of its associated parent treeview item). The moving treeview node’s opacity increases as it moves closer to its default location.


Moves upward from bottom to the top of the treeview and gradually fades out as it’s moving upward.


Moves to the right of the parent treeview item and gradually fades as it’s moving to the right.


Drops downward and the opacity of the treeview gradually decreases as its moving further down the page.


Drops out toward the left of the parent treeview and moves toward the left page. The treeview’s opacity gradually lessens as it moves further to the left of the page.

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