ComponentOne TreeView for ASP.NET: TreeView Elements

TreeView Elements

Each C1TreeView object includes customizable UI elements for the collapsed, expanded, and non-expanded elements/nodes as well as special vertical and horizontal lines in the tree. These elements are shown in the following image and described in the table below:




Expand/Collapse image

The expansion indicator image shown above is the built-in image used with the Default visual style. To use a different image for expanding, set the ExpandedImageUrl property to the path of the image. To use a different image for collapsing, set the CollapsedImageUrl to the path of the image. Note that if the CollapsedImageUrl or ExpandedImageUrl are not specified, the default expand/collapse image is used instead.

Node image

You can specify an image to display next to the node text by using the ImageUrl property.

Node text

The node text is the text that appears on the C1TreeViewNode object. The node text can behave like a hyperlink when the NavigateUrl property is set or like a button when the C1TreeViewNode is in selection mode. When an image and text are used for the C1TreeViwNode the text appears to the right of the image.


Check boxes allow the user to select a node or multiple nodes at once which is helpful for interfaces like a newsgroup tree. To enable check boxes set the ShowCheckBoxes to True.

Hierarchical lines

The ShowLines property is useful when you would like to see the hierarchical relationship between the objects. By setting the ShowLines property to True you get a clear picture of the hierarchical relationship for each object.


The following table describes C1TreeViewNode's main properties used to distinguish the node types:


C1TreeViewNode Property



Gets the C1TreeViewNodeCollection for the child nodes.


Gets or sets the text displayed for this C1TreeViewNode.


Gets or sets the value for the C1TreeViewNode.


Allow the check box to be shown on the nodes.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether lines connecting child nodes to parent nodes are displayed.

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