ComponentOne Studio Web API Edition
C1.Web.Api.Excel Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassBorder Border styles.
ClassBorderCollection All borders of a cell.
ClassC1ExcelHost Implementation of IExcelHost using C1.Excel.
ClassCamelStringEnumConverter Converts an System.Enum to and from its name string value with camel style.
ClassCell The Excel cell.
ClassCellPosition The coordinates of a cell in a worksheet.
ClassColumn A column in a worksheet.
ClassExcelController Controller for Excel Web API.
ClassExcelExporter Exporter that is responsible for converting an ExcelExportSource to an Excel file.
ClassExcelExportModelBinderAttribute An attribute to apply to action parameters for model binding for Excel export.
ClassExcelExportSource The exchange data model used for sending Excel export requests.
ClassExcelImporter Importer that is responsible for converting an uploaded file to an Excel JSON.
ClassExcelRequest The request data of generating the excel.
ClassFill Cell fill styles.
ClassFloatRoundConverter The json converter for rounding the float value.
ClassFont Font styles.
ClassFrozenPane The FrozenPane of worksheet
ClassMergeRequest The request data of merging excels.
ClassRange A rectangular area in a worksheet denominated by a top-left cell and a bottom-right cell.
ClassRow A row in a worksheet.
ClassStyle The appearance attributes of certain cells.
ClassWorkbook The Excel workbook.
ClassWorksheet The Excel worksheet.
InterfaceIExcelHost Interface for converting Excel file stream to JSON format.
EnumerationBorderLinetype The style of the cell borders.
EnumerationHAlignType Horizontal alignment options.
EnumerationPatternStyle The pattern type of the cell fills.
EnumerationTextDirectionType The direction of text flow.
EnumerationVAlignType Vertical alignment options.
See Also


C1.Web.Api.Excel Assembly



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