Data Binding

Data binding is a process that allows one or more data consumers to be connected to a data provider in a synchronized manner. If you edit a value that is part of a bound dataset, the C1Chart controls connected to the same data source will change to reflect the new value.

Unlike many bound controls, C1Chart does not make use of currency. When data bound, the chart uses all of the bound data as its source of data for specified series data, and presents it in graphic form on the surface of the chart as directed by the series and other chart properties.

This process requires several simple steps, but requires some knowledge of the chart object model.

First, it is necessary to create a data source. Many data sources are available, including ADO.NET data source objects such as DataTable, DataView, DataSet and DataViewManager. Also, third-party data sources, such as ComponentOne DataObjects components, including C1ExpressTable, C1ExpressVew, C1ExpressConnection, C1DataView, C1DataTableSource and C1DataSet may be used.

For details about creating ADO.NET data source objects, please refer to the .NET Framework documentation.

For details about using ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET, see the ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET documentation included in the ComponentOne Studio for .NET.

The following sections explain how to bind the data to the chart by first setting the data source and then setting the data fields.

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