Defining the ChartData Object

The ChartGroup object also contains the ChartData object. This object contains the Hole property, the FunctionsList property, the SeriesList property which returns the ChartDataSeriesCollection object, the PointStylesList property, and the TrendsList collection property. The ChartGroup object essentially provides access to all of the data-related objects and properties of the chart:

      Visual Basic


The FunctionsList collection stores functions to be plotted in the Chart data or plot area. The FunctionsList property gets the FunctionsCollection object associated with the current ChartData object.

PointStyles provide a mechanism to mark specific data points with different visual attributes than other points of the same data series. PointStyles are contained by the PointStylesCollection.

The SeriesList property returns a ChartDataSeriesCollection which is a collection of ChartDataSeries objects. ChartDataSeries objects contain all of the series and data for the chart.  Series objects contain the ChartDataArray objects, which hold the chart's data.

The trend lines supported by chart with TrendLine objects, can be divided into two groups, including regression and non-regression. Regression trend lines are polynomial, exponent, logarithmic, power and Fourier functions that approximate the data which the functions trend.

The ChartData object also provides access to the Hole property. Data Holes are breaks in the continuity of the data set.

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