Plot Area

The data is plotted in the plot area of the chart. In the PlotArea object you can customize or create styles for the PlotArea. For instance you can use the BackColor and BackColor2 to specify the back colors of the plot area. You can also set the ForeColor of the PlotArea by setting the ForeColor property.

The table below shows the Plot area's appearance properties and their functions:





The AlarmZones property gets the AlarmZones Collection object associated with the current PlotArea object.


Gets or sets the back color of the PlotArea.  Inherits from the ChartArea.


Gets or sets the second back color.


Gets or sets whether the PlotArea is enclosed in a box.


Gets or sets the ForeColor of the plot area.  Inherits from the ChartArea.


Gets or sets the type of gradient background filling.


Gets or sets the type of hatch background filling.


Gets or sets whether the PlotArea background is opaque.


Gets the size of the PlotArea in chart control client coordinates.


Gets the View3D object.


Gets or sets the PlotArea visibility.


C1Chart includes an AlarmZone Collection Editor that can be accessed through C1Chart's properties at design-time. The AlarmZone Collection Editor consists of a windows form which conveniently allows the users to edit/create AlarmZones. Using the editor, the user can add/remove one or many multiple alarm zones, and modify or set the properties for each alarm zone. For more information on the AlarmZone Collection Editor, see AlarmZone Collection Editor.

The next section explains what an alarm zone is and how it is used in a chart.

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