The ChartDataSeries type exposes the following members.



  Name Description
Public method Clone
Creates a new series that is a copy of the current series without data.
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHiddenProperties
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method IsHole
Returns true whenever the passed value will be interpreted as a data hole.
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method NotifyChanges
Public method OnDataSeriesChanged
Public method ToString (Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().)


  Name Description
Public property AutoEnumerate
Gets or sets whether the X values of the series are automatically set to their index value.
Public property DataLabel
Gets the data label object.
Public property Display
Gets or sets the display of the series.
Public property FillStyle
Gets or sets the fill style of the data series.
Public property FitType
Gets or sets the curve fit type.
Public property Group
Gets the chart group.
Public property Histogram
Public property Label
Gets or sets the series label.
Public property LegendEntry
Gets or sets whether the series label appears in the legend.
Public property Length
Gets the number of data points in the series.
Public property LineStyle
Gets or sets the line style of the series, including color, thickness and pattern.
Public property MaxX
Returns the maximum X value of the series data.
Public property MaxY
Returns the maximum Y value of the series data.
Public property MinX
Returns the minimum X value of the series point data array.
Public property MinY
Returns the minimum Y value of the series point data array.
Public property Offset
Gets or sets the series offset for appropriate charts.
Public property PlotFilter
Gets or sets the plot filter value which optimizes plotting large data arrays. The plot filter value represents the minimal distance from the previous data point in pixels. If distance is less than PlotFilter the point is not plotted. Only for XY-plot.
Public property PlotFilterMethod
Gets or sets the plot filter method. This property specifies method of optimization when plotting large data arrays. Only for XY-plot.
Public property PointData
Gets the ChartDataArray object that manages point data (combined X and Y data).
Public property SeriesData
Gets the current ChartDataSeries object. This property is only intended for use in the property browsers. It is not useful in code.
Public property SymbolStyle
Gets or sets the symbol style of the series, including color, size and shape.
Public property Tag
Gets or sets the Tag property which allows association of user data with the ChartDataSeries.
Public property TooltipText
Gets or sets the tooltip text.
Public property TooltipTextLegend
Gets or sets the legend tooltip text.
Public property X
Gets the ChartDataArray object that manages X data.
Public property Y
Gets the ChartDataArray object that manages Y data.
Public property Y1
Gets the ChartDataArray object that manages Y1 data.
Public property Y2
Gets the ChartDataArray object that manages Y2 data.
Public property Y3
Gets the ChartDataArray object that manages Y3 data.


  Name Description
Public event DataSeriesChanged
Public event Draw
Occurs when series is drawing.
Public event PostDraw
Occurs after the series was drawn.

See Also