Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Appearance property of an DataHighlight object.

Namespace:  C1.Win.C1Chart
Assembly:  C1.Win.C1Chart.2 (in C1.Win.C1Chart.2.dll)


public enum DataAppearanceEnum
Visual Basic
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration DataAppearanceEnum


Member nameValueDescription
None0 Appearance is not changed
Symbol31 Changes symbol style.
Line196832 Changes line style.
Fill32512 Changes fill style.
SymbolShape1 Changes symbol shape.
SymbolSize2 Changes symbol size.
SymbolColor4 Changes symbol color.
SymbolOutlineColor8 Changes symbol outline color.
SymbolOutlineWidth16 Changes symbol outline width.
LineColor32 Changes line color.
LinePattern64 Changes line pattern.
LineThickness128 Changes line thickness.
FillAlpha256 Changes fill alpha.
FillColor1512 Changes fill Color1.
FillColor21024 Changes fill Color2.
FillType2048 Changes fill type.
FillGradientStyle4096 Changes fill gradient style.
FillHatchStyle8192 Changes fill hatch style.
FillImage16384 Changes fill image.
Offset32768 Changes data series offset(only for pie chart).
LineMiterLimit65536 Changes line MiterLimit.
LineLineJoin131072 Changes line LineJoin.

See Also