Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the AnnoFormat property in the Axis class.

Namespace:  C1.Win.C1Chart
Assembly:  C1.Win.C1Chart.2 (in C1.Win.C1Chart.2.dll)


public enum FormatEnum
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration FormatEnum


Member nameValueDescription
NumericManual0 Used in conjunction with the Axis AnnoFormatString property to specify a .Net custom numeric format. (See custom numeric format strings in the .Net documentation).
NumericCurrency1 A currency amount format.
NumericGeneral2 A general number format. Formatted into the most compact decimal form using fixed or scientific notation.
NumericExponential3 A scientific or exponential format in the form "-d.ddd…E+ddd" or "-d.ddd…e+ddd".
NumericPercentage4 A percentage amount format.
NumericRoundtrip5 A format which guarantees that a numeric value after being converted will be returned as the same numeric value.
NumericHexadecimal6 A hexadecimal format.
DateManual7 Used in conjunction with the Axis AnnoFormatString property to specify a .Net custom date/datetime format. (See custom date and time format strings in the .Net documentation).
DateShort8 A short date format.
DateLong9 A long date format.
DateFullShortTime10 A long date and short time format.
DateFull11 A full date format.
DateGeneralShortTime12 A general date format with short time format.
DateGeneral13 A general date format.
DateMonth14 A month format.
DateRFC112315 A date format based on the IETF RFC 1123 specification.
DateSortable16 A sortable date format.
DateShortTime17 A short time format.
DateLongTime18 A long time format.
DateUniversalSortable19 A universally sortable date format.
DateUniversal20 A universal date format.
DateYear21 A year format.


See .Net date and time format strings and standard numeric format strings for more information.

See Also