Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Shape property in the ChartSymbolStyle class.

Namespace:  C1.Win.C1Chart
Assembly:  C1.Win.C1Chart.2 (in C1.Win.C1Chart.2.dll)


public enum SymbolShapeEnum
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration SymbolShapeEnum


Member nameValueDescription
None0 No symbol represents data point.
Box1 Data point represented by a solid square.
Dot2 Data point represented by a solid circle.
Tri3 Data point represented by a solid triangle.
Diamond4 Data point represented by a solid diamond.
InvertedTri5 Data point represented by a solid inverted triangle.
Star6 Data point represented by a solid star.
VerticalLine7 Data point represented by a short vertical line.
HorizontalLine8 Data point represented by a short horizontal line.
Cross9 Data point represented by crossed horizontal and vertical lines.
DiagCross10 Data point represented by diagonal crossed lines.
Circle11 Data point represented by the outline of a circle.
Square12 Data point represented by the outline of a square.
OpenTri13 Data point represented by the outline of a triangle.
OpenDiamond14 Data point represented by the outline of a diamond.
OpenInvertedTri15 Data point represented by the outline of an inverted triangle.

See Also