Fired when the control starts rendering a report and the source recordset is empty.

Namespace:  C1.Web.C1WebReport
Assembly:  C1.Web.C1WebReport.2 (in C1.Web.C1WebReport.2.dll)


public event EventHandler NoData
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Event NoData As EventHandler


This event does not fire if the report is retrieved from the cache (see the Cache property).


The following code provides an example of the NoData event:

Copy CodeVisual Basic
PrivateSub c1r_NoData(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles c1r.NoData
    c1r.Cancel = TrueEndSub
Copy CodeC#
privatevoid c1r_NoData( object sender,  System.EventArgs e)  c1r.NoData 
    c1r.Cancel = true;

See Also